You ain’t got nothin’ to lose. Or post about—just another walkaholic/alcoholic day in the life. Well, I did change things up by turning on my TV in the afternoon to pass the time until beer o’clock. I started watching “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” on Netflix. The link goes to a review written by reader and frequent commenter here at LTG, Kevin Kim. He tells the story much better than I could. I’ve always liked the Cohen brother’s films, and this was no exception. I especially liked that the movie is done in six vignettes, which is pleasingly appropriate given my short attention span. Well worth the watch!

I began my beer-drinking routine at Sloppy Joe’s. Jim arrived shortly after I did, so I had some company. Dave and his gal Jo showed up later and joined us. Then we all moved next door to Wet Spot, and another Hasher, Ken (Bug Fucker), filled out the group.

I’ve got more medical shit to deal with at Baypointe this afternoon. If I get done in time, I’ll attend the SOB this evening. If not, well, there are thirty-five bars in Barretto to choose from.
Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be traveling to Angeles City to participate in Sunday’s ACH3 Anniversary Hash. Should be fun. Looks like Swan is going to come along on the condition that she doesn’t have to Hash.
The Big Hominid posed this question on his blog:
Are the words mephitic and Mephistopheles etymologically related?
I’m not sure if I’m ignorant or just apathetic, but I don’t know, and I don’t care. If you do, click the link above for the answer. I thought of that post when I saw this meme today:

And as long as we are on a roll with Star Trek humor, how about this?

Room for one more?

Anyway, it’s bound to get better around here soon.
Good luck with your medical shit.
What’s Swan going to do at the Hash if she’s not planning to Hash? She just there for moral support? Hm.
Always disappointed at the photos of your fellow walkers/expats. Expect more deranged biker types with forehead tats carrying an 18 year old under each arm. Your acquaintances look Victorian by comparison. If Victorians wore vests all the time.
Dan, my neck of the woods is more of a retirement community vibe. But we do have several biker clubs whose members might better fit your description. I’ll see what I can do…
The Hash will be pretty much an all afternoon and evening event for the anniversary. It makes no sense to go to AC and just sit in a hotel room, but that seems to be her preference. I don’t understand it.