If a tree falls…

…in the backyard and no one heard it, did it make a sound?

Probably drowned out by the noise of the wind.

Anyway, wind gusts and heavy rainfall appeared to have been a fatal combination for this lonely tree outside my kitchen window. This morning the caretaker who lives in the basement servant quarters of my house had his son out there hacking off branches with a machete. I figured they were just chopping up the remains to make for easier disposal, but nope:

Replanted and restored, more or less. No idea what the umbrella is all about though.

The rain has now settled into a pattern of sorts, coming in waves or cycles that I’m getting better at predicting. I was pleased to have accurately assessed a window of over an hour for yesterday afternoon’s walk. I repeated that success this morning. As I write this post I’m waiting for a good opportunity to hike some more. I predict I’ll be good to go in a couple of hours. We’ll see.

What else? Well, in more news from the backyard, my dog Lucky has now discovered he has the ability to jump the wall. Buddy has always been able to do so, hence the need to secure him with a 12 foot leash when he’s outside. I’ll be purchasing a similar setup for Lucky soon.

But in the meantime he’s spending his outside time in that enclosure. Not much higher than the wall, but so far at least it has successfully stymied Lucky’s efforts to escape.

And that’s really about it from here. Unless you want to look at this keen map of the Philippines:

I live in the Central Luzon area, Zambales Province. There in the upper left quadrant.

Okay, and this made me laugh:

When a penny for your thoughts is too much, it’s good to have zero sense.

This Epstein affair is pretty shocking too. With the previously exposed corruption of the FBI and it’s failed coup attempt, and now the DOJ apparently ensuring loose lips won’t be sinking any of the elite purveyors of underage girls, it’s almost as if the USA has become a banana republic.

Maybe all this wind we’ve been experiencing is just a bunch of big sighs of relief.

Eh. Makes me glad to be far, far away in my little slice of heaven.

2 thoughts on “If a tree falls…

  1. Good thing the tree fell away from the house and not toward it. As for re-planting it… why destroy a perfectly good tree, eh? I hope it’s been packed firmly back into the ground.

    When Lucky leaps the wall, does he try to run far, or does he always come back quickly? How often does he skip out?

    Epstein’s no longer alive to testify, but his home is probably full of all sorts of records. I’ll be morbidly curious to see what happens next. Wikileaks to the rescue!

  2. Yeah, we’ll see what comes out of what Epstein left behind.

    No, Lucky has not actually run off…yet. I or my helper witnessed his first successful jumps and called him back. He probably wouldn’t go far, but might get entangled with some of the local strays, get hit by a car, or get lost. He’s not the brightest dog I’ve ever owned. 🙂

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