A couple of weeks ago my Fitbit died on me. And then last night this happened:

Yeah, I’m old school. I’ve never relied on my phone as a timepiece. It’s hard to get into the habit, especially at night. Hell, I never even used to bring my phone upstairs when I went to bed. Now when I wake up at o’dark thirty I have to reach down, pick up the phone, tap the screen twice to activate it, and then realize that without my glasses (still downstairs on my desk) I can’t read the time display. It is those little things that make life harder than it ought to be.
Speaking of time, it is still passing whether I can track its progress or not. Facebook shared with me what I was doing two years ago:

And life goes ever onward. Here’s the “interesting” photo from this morning’s walk:

Speaking of sex, Catherine came to visit yesterday afternoon. It was her idea. Honestly, she’d been pestering me for days. And it was fine and dandy. Last night she sent me a message saying “babe, my friend have phone for sale. Only 15K.” I didn’t respond so I don’t know if she wants me to buy her a phone or was just letting me know one was available. Well, I don’t need a phone and I ain’t spending $300. to buy one for someone else. Still, a little disappointing. You help someone out and they assume you are a sucker. I’m going to have to be pretty damn horny before I invite her back!
On the internet today I was reminded that my foreign language skills aren’t much better than this:

And don’t even get me started on punctuation:

Sometimes I stir shit up on Facebook in a manner other than my intended one. I posted this for all those #stayathome and trust the government to look out for you types:

Anyway, one of my German FB friends took offense and talked about Americans being fucked up in the past as well, specifically mentioning the Indians. I responded that is precisely my point–anyone who trusts the government to serve their best interests does so at their own peril.
Later this afternoon I’ll be doing the rooftop beer drinking thing. And tomorrow will begin another total lockdown weekend. Looks like more Game of Thrones binge-watching is in my future.
C’est la vie.
Shout “Tayo!” in Korean out the window of your car, and you’re telling someone to get in. (From the verb tada, to get in/on.)
“Ferme ta bouche” is literally “close your mouth,” and not a very strong expression, but a true “Shaddap!” in French is “Ta gueule!” This is short for “Ferme ta gueule,” which is literally also “shut your mouth,” but a gueule is the mouth of an animal, not of a human, so there’s an implied denigration of the person. You can also use standard imperative grammar to say “Ferme-la!”—which is literally “Shut it!” Get a bit slangier, put the object before the verb, and you get “La ferme!” (“It-shut!”), which also coincidentally sounds like the noun phrase “the farm” (la ferme). Yeah, French is weird.
And how often do your Fitbits die? They seem to die pretty often!
Good luck with your wristwatch repair. I long ago converted, as if I were a Millennial, to using my cell phone as a surrogate wristwatch, but I catch myself, on rare occasions, flicking a glance at my left wrist as if to tell the time.
Damn, ferme ta gueule is what I thought and intended all these years. That’s what I get for being such a dunce (and no, I didn’t just spell douche wrong!).
Honestly, I don’t know why I’m such a Fitbit fan. Thinking back on it now it does seem having to replace one is an annual event. If I don’t have better luck with the latest iteration I’ll start looking for a new brand.
I’ve lost the tan line on both wrists now, so there’s that.