Hypocrisy of the Left: A worldwide phenomenon?

Well, I guess that ain’t exactly news, is it? You would think my capacity for outrage at the moral equivalence that is the foundation of the Left’s hypocrisy would be maxed out by now. But no, the Left finds new and astounding ways to boggle my brain with repulsive behavior in a fashion that appears limitless.

And as much as I despise all that is France, it appears that the Germans are looking to defeat them yet once again, this time in the battle of dubious thinking. Two salvos from the German left appear to be a powerful blitzkrieg like stroke of madness that other contenders on Left may find hard to best. As reported at Davids Medienkritik :

Few places symbolize the moral bankruptcy and hypocrisy of the German left more clearly than Chechnya. When US President George W. Bush visited Germany last February, tens-of-thousands of angry demonstrators turned out in Mainz and all across Germany to vent their outrage at the Iraq war and the abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Now, less than two months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Germany. And a whopping 30 protesters showed up to demonstrate the bloody Russian war and widespread human rights violations in Chechnya. Putin and Schroeder were all smiles as they tipped champagne glasses and signed multi-billion dollar business deals for everything from Russian natural gas imports to German bullet train exports in Schroeder’s hometown of Hannover. Naturally, with the cash registers busily ringing away, Chechnya never came up and the German media has all but ignored the topic…

…The entire charade clearly demonstrates how the so-called German “peace movement” has changed little since the days of the Cold War when thousands protested in outrage over US involvement in Vietnam, but gave the Russians a free pass during the brutal Soviet war of occupation in Afghanistan. The movement’s unending attempts to seize the moral high ground have been repeatedly undercut and exposed by the same sort of left-leaning Doppelmoral time and again…

Once again: Where are the hoards of angry anti-war protesters now that Vladimir Putin is in Germany? Why aren’t they out waving rainbow PACE flags, beating drums, burning Putin effigies and pounding the pavement in mass protest by the thousands? Where are the shrill cries of “no blood for oil?” Where are the concerned friends of oppressed Muslims with their Palestinian flags? Where is the outrage at the violation of the Geneva Conventions and international human rights? Where are the mock funeral processions and empty coffins? Where are the candle-light vigils and the portraits of the dead and missing? Why has the German left sold out in the interest of selling trains and securing the rights to import oil and gas?

Clearly: As long as this double standard in the handling of Iraq vs. Chechnya remains, the German left will continue to suffer a massive credibility gap. It is hard to lend any credibility to a movement that is so obviously biased and motivated by a one-sided hatred of America.

Hmm, and to think this is happening in that bastion of moral superiority, Europe. No wonder Michael Moore is so popular over there. As loathe as this ignorant hick is to critisize my betters, in this case those enlightened Germans (you know, the fun bunch that brought us two world wars and the holocaust), I feel compelled to share some of Davids other post exposing just how sick and jaded German thinking has become:

Hard to beat the idiocy of this wacko conspiracy theory: A top member of the German Green party – Antje Vollmer, the highest ranking woman in Germany’s parliament (and a real beauty by any definition) – accuses the U.S. government of an underhanded campaign against pedophile Catholic priests aimed at punishing the pope for his opposition to the Iraq war.

Poland’s participation in the Iraq war an attempt to weaken the Pope’s “hinterland”? An anti-pedophile campaign as a veiled attempt to attack the pope’s position against the Iraq war?

Oh, those evil neocons…never shy about hatching dark conspiracies. This probably means they are behind the Michael Jackson pedophile accusations as well…probably to discredit him for being such a macro-pacifist. This all just makes one wonder: How long will it be before the US government hauls in Michael Moore on child molestation charges and ships him of to Gitmo? Who will be the next victim of this vast conspiracy? Have the neo-cons no shame? If they are willing to take the pope down, they could be willing to take anyone down.

It gets worse, read the whole thing if you have the stomach for it.

Meanwhile, I’ll just step back real quietly. I wouldn’t want to provoke these lunatics too much. It’s best that they be left to rage against the awesome evil of BusHitler while we go on about our business of deposing tyrants.

Still, watching the wackiness of the Left is sorta like a visit to the zoo, isn’t it? The antics of the silly monkeys can be quite entertaining at times I suppose.

Via Vodka Pundit

4 thoughts on “Hypocrisy of the Left: A worldwide phenomenon?

  1. I’m confused. I thought the US agreed with Russia that Chechnya was a terrorist state. They are the folks who killed all those children in that school. Why would anyone be protesting against Russia’s attemtps to curb terrorists?

  2. Its a testimony to German Democracy: not two political parties like in the USA but a dozen. Also both the right and the left; many of whom have known nothing but Stalinist dictatorship for 50 years in eastern Germany are just coming out of their holes to express themselves. Democracy to be cheered not jeered. It will all iron itself out in the wash.

  3. It’s not about democracy, Euro. No one is critisizing because they protest war. It just seems strange that they only protest wars in which America is involved. That’s hypocrisy.

    And Carol, I’m not taking a stand on Chechnya. Perhaps the Russian tactics are a tad brutal, but it is hard to sympathize with killers of school children. The point is if you are against Iraq, at least be consistent. It is not war this pussies hate, it is the USA. I think that should be abundantly clear by now.

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