Hey, it is what I do. And on Wednesdays, I do it with the walking group. That makes it even more fun, especially because we go places I’d never attempt on my own. I’d actually done yesterday’s trail two or three years ago, but with my diminished mental capacity, it all looked and felt like new! I’ll tell the story in pictures a bit later in this post.
It Doesn’t Matter was my beer drinking venue yesterday evening. Had a very pleasant time with my favorite waitress, Roan. That gal can hold her own in a back and forth and we spend a lot of time laughing. I miss that in my daily life. I also brought her a gift:
Got Roan set up to vape instead of smoking. She professed to like the flavor and vaped with me while I was there. She also messaged me this morning to thank me again and to say she hadn’t bought cigs last night. She’s off to a good start!
There’s a young man about town working as a peanut vendor. I’m one of his regular customers (I buy nuts for the working girls). He seems to have the knack of finding me wherever I might be hanging out on any given night. Nice kid and a hard worker.
Pretty talented at doing that balancing act as well!
When I stepped on the scale before my shower yesterday I was not happy to see that I weighed in at 210.3. My goal is to maintain my weight under 200, so I’ve got some work to do. Then I saw this photo from yesterday’s hike and I was a little embarrassed.
Practically bursting out of my shirt. As you can see, I’m not sporting 6 pack abs–I’ve got the whole damn keg!
So, desperate times call for desperate measures. Starting tonight, I won’t be drinking any beer. I’ll feed my alcohol addiction with gin and soda, which is practically carb-free. I’m also going to need to be more disciplined in what I eat for a while, so I’ll be trying to have the self-discipline to say no to ice cream and other empty calories. I’m going to get off my lazy ass and try to get my daily step count average back up to 20,000 again too. I hope to drop the excess poundage within a couple of months. Stay tuned!
Alright, let’s move on to yesterday’s hike then, shall we?
We went thataway. A couple of moderate climbs and around 6K all told.We took a Jeepney out to Calapadayan to start our hike. One of the group members got left behind because our Jeepney was full. So, we stood around on the shoulder for a few minutes while he caught another Jeep to join us.He finally arrived and off we went.The first thing we needed to do was get to the top of that hill. We were stymied initially because the trail we used to take up had been fenced off and no trespassing signs posted.The search for Plan B commences…Passed a lovely little algae pond along the way.Our objective is in sight. Now to find a trail to the top.Let the climbing begin!Looking out towards the Keppel shipyard…This trail, such as it was, will likely be impassable in another few weeks when the thatch grass takes over.The Walking Dead?Summit achieved.A shot of yours truly hoofing it.Hello, kiddies. Do you like cookies?What’s everybody looking at?Ah, this was supposed to be a hospital but it was abandoned for some reason while under construction. Not sure why; maybe the Pinatubo eruption or the US military pullout or something else entirely.One of the Filipinas in our group thought the building was occupied by moo-moo (ghosts). I went in to have a look. I don’t know what possessed me.Leaving the hills behind us.Passing a trike stand on the way to the National highway.Our destination for lunch and liquid refreshment–Harley’s on Baloy Beach road…Chillin’ at Harley’s.With one of the best views in town.Hope you enjoyed this post.
But before I go I’ll leave you with this Facebook memory from way back in my Itaewon days.
It is still good advice I reckon.
4 thoughts on “Hoofing it”
Good luck with your own weight-loss campaign. It’s just ten pounds, so I bet you can lose that in a couple weeks. Sorry you’ll be going without your beloved beer, ice cream, and carbs, but once you’re back down to your target weight, you can hop back on that wagon. Just do what you can to shed the weight and keep it off (I’m talking to myself as much as I’m talking to you).
Yeah, better to do it now than later. And it won’t be like the current hell you are enduring. Good luck to us both!
Ole McCrarey, always giving his nuts to the ladies! :—-Peace Out!
Good luck with your own weight-loss campaign. It’s just ten pounds, so I bet you can lose that in a couple weeks. Sorry you’ll be going without your beloved beer, ice cream, and carbs, but once you’re back down to your target weight, you can hop back on that wagon. Just do what you can to shed the weight and keep it off (I’m talking to myself as much as I’m talking to you).
Yeah, better to do it now than later. And it won’t be like the current hell you are enduring. Good luck to us both!
Ole McCrarey, always giving his nuts to the ladies! :—-Peace Out!
That’s what they are for, right, Soju?