“Home” again

Just returned from my whirlwind journey to Phoenix. The “train the trainer” training was good and I will busy getting ready to share my new found knowledge of the National Security Personnel System with my USFK compatriots. I got a little irked with the political commentary of one of the instructors…not really commentary but pot shots at the President, Rumsfeld and DoD. You know, I’m always up for a politcal debate, but the classroom in a DoD sponsored training course is not the time or place. I gave him a little constructive feedback in my course evaluation and let it go at that.

I had a couple of days before my flight back to Seoul, so I drove across the Mojave desert. I can get my taste of mountains here, but you just don’t have access to the great wide open spaces in Korea. It was good to have the feeling you get by being alone in the emptiness again. Oh yeah, my road led me to Laughlin, Nevada. A great place to gamble on the Colorado river. Turns out I dropped a little cash, but had a great time doing it. There was a fun married couple at my blackjack table and we spent the hours drinking, laughing, and razzing each other. So, if I figure the “free” beers were actually $20 each, I did ok.

I left Laughlin and took the long way back to Phoenix via Yuma. I got the hankering for some Mexican food and seeing as how Mexico was right there I ventured across the border. Been a long time since I had visited one of these border towns. Reminded me of Itaewon a little but the vendors were actually more agressive. My Spanish is better than my Korean, but everyone spoke good English of course. I was amazed to see the number of pharmacies, dental and doctors offices. Apparently lots of folks come down for cheap drugs and medical care. I think I would be a little nervous about doing that, but it appeared they were doing a land office business.

Anyway, the flight home was uneventful (although delayed) except the plane was full again which makes the long trip that much more uncomfortable. My connection was through Los Angeles, and it was surprising to see so many Koreans in the “non-Korean” line at immigration. And it was a LONG line to boot.

I was never able to adjust my sleep pattern on this trip, so I was always tired. I’ve done nothing but sleep since I got home. Nope, back for two days and I have not had one beer or visited any of my bar haunts in Itaewon. Even blew off playing pool last night. Just slept on the couch with the TV blaring.

So as you can see my life is as exciting as ever. I think I might be in some kind of transition. I know what I don’t what to do now, but I am not sure what I will be doing to fill these hours.

Stay tuned.

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