Günter wasn’t here today so I got elected to lead the Wednesday Walkers. As is my wont, I made it pretty easy. One hard but short climb up to My Bitch, then a meandering trail back around to near Rizal Extension. My twist was taking a seldom-used path leading back to the valley floor. Near the bottom and out in the absolute middle of nowhere is this statue of the Virgin Mary:

All I know is the damn thing is powerful! As we approached I called out “hey baby!”. And immediately my feet came out from under me and I went down hard on my ass. It was both painful and embarrassing. The Filipinas in the group posed for pictures with the statue and one of them said to me “Don’t call her baby.” I won’t, I learned my lesson.
Once we hit the valley, I let Almaranus take over leadership figuring he would just head us back towards town. Nope, he took us climbing up a mountain. I was cursing my self for being so cursed.

We had lunch at the top then made our way back to Barretto for liquid refreshment at Cheap Charlies. Not a bad day’s work on trail:

That’s about enough for today. But at least I’m not this guy:

Peace out!
“Almaranus” sounds like the scientific name for the pain you experience when you fall on your bottom. A real pain in the ass.
That’s his Hash name. It suits him. He’s German and likes to climb mountains. Go figure.
That’s got to be more alarming than the break-ins. Would keep me up for nights. Your rational self has been telling you for days now that, hey, “really amusing coincidence”. But the other part of you, the part that KNOWS -well, that part of you has been dreaming of confessing ever since you hit the jungle floor.
HaHa! So true, Dan! There may be places in the world where you can get away with disrespecting the Virgin Mother. The Philippines ain’t one of them. Apparently.