
So, I did the Halloween party thing last night. I’m not into that whole wearing a costume routine, the last time I did was three years ago at Eun Oke’s insistence. Anyway, people kept asking me if I was going to “dress up,” so I figured, hell, why not? I got my old work suit out of storage and dressed up for the occasion. It was actually pretty funny hearing people guess who I was supposed to be. And I couldn’t help but think that I’m far enough removed now from my working life that dressing as a government bureaucrat makes for a good enough costume.

The party was held at the Queen Victoria bar and it was packed. Even had a live band playing. There was also a makeup artist on hand, so I took advantage to spice up my “costume” some.

I didn’t feel a thing.

There was a woman there I hadn’t met before, but I just had to pose with her:

I think we might have wound up getting married…
Oh, and Ilene was there as well. Looking amazing. Those eyes! She got second place in the costume contest. The bride pictured with me earlier took first.
That Trump 2020 hat must have scared the shit out of any liberals around last night.
That clown next to me is a Hasher…
I didn’t spend much time listening to the band, but they sounded fine as background noise.
“He did the mash. He did the monster mash…”

A drunken good time was had. Apparently.

I was working in the lab late one night,
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight.
For my monster from his slab began to rise,
And suddenly to my surprise,
He did the Monster Mash.
(The Monster Mash, )
It was a graveyard smash.
(He did the Mash, )
It caught on in a flash.
(He did the Mash, )
He did the Monster Mash.


4 thoughts on “Headshot

  1. Ha! Great costumes by everyone! And who knew that you could accent any costume just by adding a bullet hole to your forehead? “The only good bureaucrat is a dead bureaucrat.” Or something. What was it Reagan said? “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”?

    The photo that heads up your post is hilarious, too. Never a good idea to “dine at the Y” when Aunt Flo is in town.

  2. Could have easily passed for one of the Sopranos. Especially with that bullet hole in your forehead. Bada Bing!

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