Another Monday, another “run” with the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. I modified yesterday’s trail to suit my purposes, but distance-wise, it was the same length as the Hare’s short version (5K). The Hash trail traversed a good portion of My Bitch, so rather than start at the VFW in town, I left from my house and met up with my regular group at Mountain Mama Onelia’s place and continued on with them from there. It was more challenging than what I did in Angeles on Sunday, but not overly difficult. It was hot again, though.

A couple of after-Hash beers, then some takeout from Sit-n-Bull, and my day was done.
In the memory category, I’m reminded that today marks thirteen years since my father passed away. I marked that occasion in a post called “Finished With Engines.”

I’m getting over 57 pesos to the dollar these days, the best it’s been since I moved here. Of course, prices keep going up for many of the things I purchase, but it could be worse. I’d be screwed if my pension were paid in pesos. And I guess it makes things even tougher for the economically challenged Filipinos.
Today’s attempts at humor:

No more Tuesday on the floating bar, but we will try Kokomo’s Tiki Bar and take in the views from there. I’ll share that adventure here tomorrow.
I love this recently built cabin with the mountain view. I can see myself sitting on the front porch sipping a cold beer.
I’d love to know what facilities the cabin comes with. Bathroom? Kitchenette? Tiling? And how good is the protection against wind, rain, etc.? Does it ever get cold in that part of the world? If so, what protection does that sort of cabin provide?
And on a personal note: back in the 90s, I had a student who’d given me a huge Christmas card in which she had written, “Merry Christmas, Cabin!”
The dreaded hill climb into Alta Vista
But the breathing was okay?
“I got the Hashit, the Subic Hashit, for being stupid on trail today. I have to hold it until I pass it. Won’t someone take my Hashit away”
What’d he do that was so stupid? Oh, and he looks a bit like George Carlin.
I’m reminded that today marks thirteen years since my father passed away.
That’s dad at the original Rite Spot, a burger joint he managed in the early 1960s.
Surely some of those burger-making genes passed down to you, yes? What was the name of the burger joint? Is it still around?
I’m getting over 57 pesos to the dollar these days, the best it’s been since I moved here.
On the good side, the more pesos per dollar = more buying power in the PI (stronger dollar). On the bad side, it means trouble if you’re sending dollars to the US and converting from pesos. This is my problem since I send money to my US account semi-regularly. The dollar remains strong against the won (1:1358).
“Stuck with You” is one of my favorite Huey Lewis songs.
I’ve never seen the innards of the cabin, but it appears to be solidly constructed. I’m sure it must have a bathroom, and I’d wager it has one of those countertop burner stoves. Nope, never even gets chilly in these parts. I didn’t see any aircon unit, so the heat would be the biggest issue. Still, a fan and a rocking chair on the front porch and you’d be good to go.
The breathing is still a bit strained on the uphills. I took a brief pause about halfway up, but it wasn’t too bad.
The Hashit “crime” is rarely anything significant or even real. I think this week’s recipient was said to be an asshole or something. (The person who received the Hashit the previous week selects who they will hand it off to.)
The name of the burger joint was The Rite Spot. I have vague memories of my father with a dozen burger patties on the grill, flipping them up and over. But no, I didn’t inherit the burger gene. Around 1965, a McDonald’s opened across the street, and eventually, the only Rite Spot in existence closed forever.
I don’t have a Filipino bank account, so I don’t have to deal directly with the peso devaluation. I wire money from the USA to pay my helpers, and the enhanced exchange rate saves me some bucks.
I was a Huey Lewis fan, but that particular song wasn’t one of my favorites. Someone on Quora mentioned the video (or, more specifically, that blonde gal Huey was lovin’ on), so I went to have a look. Since it was already queued up, I was happy to share it with my readers here. I’m glad you liked it.