Hash on!

Welp, my version of the Hash trail almost qualified as enjoyable. It began with a long, steady climb, which is never my idea of fun, but the fact that I’d never done that portion of the trail before made it easier to take. Coming back down from the top was quite steep in places, but the worst part was those pesky vines that like to wrap around your ankles and trip you up. I had a few stumbles because of them, but I never hit the ground. The Hare, Leech My Nuggets, had another big climb laid out towards the end of the trail, but our sane group avoided it with a street walk through Calapacuan instead. We did 6.5K, and that was plenty!

We began our trek on the far side of Subic town
A gathering of Hashers at the starting point
And we are On-On!
A tree I liked on the riverside
The first rickety bridge of the day
It carried the load
So did this one
Up we go
Heels to the hills
The scenery was nice
The half way up view
Working our way up
We encountered these grannies out looking for firewood to cook with. Swan handed them some biscuits to enjoy. Filipinos pronounce it “biss quits”
A shelter from the storm
Playing leap log
Valley view
Easter mountain under wire
This young mother has the worst shack in the neighborhood. I felt bad for her and gave her cookies and fifty pesos for rice.
A refreshing walk through a mango grove after finishing our hill.
Through the fields we go
Stare fight with a carabao
Street walkin’ shortcutters
On Home at Smokes and Bottles
One of my favorite Hash venues
Rehydration is always vital after the rigorous Hash trail
The price you pay for being the last to pay
Another fine adventure
And a pleasant Hash aftermath at It Doesn’t Matter

Next week we are doing an Outstation Hash in Floridablanca. That’s about halfway between Subic and Angeles City. I’ll be spending the weekend in Angeles and Hashing with the AC Hash on Sunday. Looking forward to getting out of town again.

Where we will be. As I understand it, the trail begins under that bridge.

I’m still struggling with learning to say no to seconds.

I’m not giving up.

Today’s entry from the LTG archives is a post honoring my son on his twenty-seventy birthday. Today he turns forty-seven.

Happy birthday, Kevin
Eight years ago, while on vacation in the Philippines, I met John Brant in person. I’d been following John’s vlog, My Philippines Fantasy, for a couple of years. It was through him that I became interested in Hashing. After I moved here, I see John out and about in the bars (he’d quit the Hash before I arrived) and he’d do videos of the SOB dances. Sadly, John has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and he is rarely seen these days.

The last vlog I’ve seen from John was this one from a year ago.

I don’t bother much with Grammarly these days, not that it ever did my any good anyway. I still have my premium subscription and with that comes an occasional report card. Today the emailed me my weekly fuckups:

Easy for you to say

I’m still poking and prodding on Facebook:

The ignorance never ceases to amaze
Fuck them both and fuck them all. Russia was wrong to invade, Ukraine is wrong to refuse to seek a negotiated peace. Meanwhile, innocents on both sides are dying.

The best thing about today’s YouTube video is that it is only four minutes long. The vlogger’s accented voice is sometimes hard to understand, but his point about being able to eat cheap here (a dollar a day) is true. Lucky thing, too, given the poverty that permeates this country.

Humor time:

Yeah, but when I do, I’m breaking bad
Sorry to hear that he accidently tripped and fell on a steak knife during dinner.
Alrighty then, bad grammar is worse than that fall.

And on that note, we will declare today’s post at its blissful end. I hope to be back tomorrow with more of my usual crapola.

1 thought on “Hash on!

  1. with that comes an occasional report card

    Not that I would ever trust Grammarly, but 3 out of 5 errors related to commas.

    Looks to have been a nice walk.

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