The SH-3 celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary yesterday with a good long trail.

Gathering up at Johannson’s. Had a record 79 Hashers coming in to celebrate from all over the Philippines and as far away as Thailand. Even had two virgins from San Diego with us…

There was a longer trail for the runners (11K) but I opted to take the bus to the trail head in downtown Olongapo for the 8K hike…

I was determined to keep up with the main body this time, stopping for photos didn’t help that effort.

There was a “beer stop” about the midway point. So I of course quenched my thirst with a frosty San Miguel Zero….

Just one though because I was going to finish the trail. Quite a few folks quit here or walked the highway back to our on-home at Baloy Beach. That ain’t my style, there was still one more mountain climb.

The new Johan’s Dive Resort was our venue for celebration. We had a mediocre spaghetti dinner and they ran out of beer before the circle was over. That was disappointing.
It was a good Hash overall and I enjoyed myself. This afternoon I have my first ever “boondockit”. Not exactly sure what’s in store for me, but I’m told it can be pretty wild. I did ask about the provenance of the word boondockit and was told it derives from being out in the boondocks. So, Kevin Kim was right about that. Anyway, I fly shortly after the event (I may even have to leave early to get to the airport) but I’ll fill y’all in on how it went done as soon as I can.