That’s one way to spend a Saturday night anyway. I had really just intended to drop by the new Kitchenette to see how things were going. Hard my darts with me planning on playing the tourney. But once I’d settled in, inertia took over and I kept my ass on the stool until closing time.
The place is not a bar, in fact, they are not allowed to sell beer. Beer has to be purchased from the Beach Please bar out back by the water. The owner there is the landlord for the Kitchenette. No big deal, I just walk down and order a bucket of 6 beers for 400 pesos and take them back to the kitchen. It’s comfortable enough there, open-air and a nice highway view. It certainly won’t be my hangout place, but I’ll not mind dropping by now and then.
You can’t make a judgment on how well things are going based on one night of observations, especially when it is only the second day of operations. With that caveat in mind, I’d say things are going reasonably well so far. Apparently, the lunchtime business was enough to stress out the proprietor/cook. She’s going to definitely need to hire at least one person who can cook to assist her. During the time I was there I saw a pretty steady stream of customers, mostly girls from the nearby bars, stopping in for some food to take back with them. After the lunch rush, the available menu offerings were quite limited. I chided the owner about that, telling her to keep enough food in stock or reduce the number of dishes you serve. People get frustrated when they can’t get what they want and that’s something that will make it less likely for them to return in the future. I got the “shut up and mind your own business” look, so I just drank my beer and watched.
Turns out not enough people showed up at Alley Cats to have a tourney, but a couple of them came by the Kitchenette to eat. Troy brought one of the prettiest gals I’ve seen in a long time with him. She sat next to me and I had a hard time keeping my eyes to myself. She’s 22 years old which is 1/3 my age. How’s that for symmetry? Anyway, she isn’t on the menu so the feast was only eye candy.
I got a laugh when Mango’s, which is only a couple of doors down, called in an order for eight servings of rice. Apparently, they ran out of rice and had a big group to serve. It’s a start, and if the Kitchenette can fill a niche market of bargirls, trike drivers, and restaurant gaps, it might work out. I’d give them a 50-50 shot at this point.

So, after all this time I finally have a woman sending me messages like this one:
Jonh….im so really happy this morning wen i see you…you makes my heart happy everytime i see your smile… you are so amazing person….and i always feel your presense..Enter
You are so different person jonh… have no idea how happy i am since i met and know you….you are so great…person…theres is none like you…in my life…
That’s the latest in a series of similar thoughts. Now, to be clear, I have no current contact at all with this woman, other than on messenger. When I met her in the past in person, it was completely platonic. I mean, I was willing, but she wasn’t. And that’s where we left if for several months until she started with the loving messages again. So, when she says she “saw me” today, it was literally a case of me walking by on the road. She sent me some sexy pics too, but I’m too much of gentleman to share those. Plus, I promised I wouldn’t. So, what’s the problem? Well, I am cursed after all. This one is already married.
Anyway, I’ve told her I’m not interested in adultery. That hasn’t slowed down her messages (the photos are a new tactic though). I guess I haven’t blocked her (yet) because she says the things I’ve always wanted to hear. Damn, it would be great to have someone who felt that way about me in my life. Still, I don’t really encourage her and I constantly remind her that she is not free. I can’t tell her what to feel, but there is nothing I can or will do about it.
I will look at those pictures some more though.
Well, you know by now that when a Filipina starts in with the loving messages, it’s because she wants something from you. So take everything she says with a boulder of salt.
I think you have yet to find a girl who really loves you for you. Hope you find that person someday. And seriously—”Jonh”??? Some besotted fool might call that “cute,” but I call it “retarded.” And “she’s not a native English speaker” is no excuse for such a basic mistake. Even non-native English speakers can spell “John.”
I’m glad the Kitchenette seems to be off to a good start. Long may the trend continue!
Glad to see that your associate’s business venture is going well. It seems you may have a problem with being detached and playing the role of the silent investor. As I recall, you are just the financier and have no real vested interest whether the business succeeds or fails. But being the curious man you are ,you’re still anxious to see what will happen to the $1000 you parted with gleefully with no expectations, you drop in as a customer and a friend and non-silent observer.
See đź‘€where I’m going with this yet?
Detachment Detachment Detachment.
You don’t have to oversee this project. You don’t even have to patronize the business. Easier said than done when you have a financial, emotional and intellectual interest in this sole proprietorship.
As long as you keep walking,there will be a woman or 2 who will declare their love for you. You’ll be swatting away declarations of love for many more years after your recent birthday celebrations. 🎂
Get that eye fixed soon so you can appreciate their beauty even more.
And I’ll wager a peso that you won’t be able to avoid this new eatery for a full week.
See how detached and silent of a partner you can be
Thanks for the writing as usual
Kevin, yes, it does seem that I’m always the “quid” when it comes to quid pro quo. This one has a foreigner husband and lives in a nice house, so money might not be the prime motivation for her alleged interest in me. My best guess is she is so miserable in her current relationship that she likes to escape into a fantasy life where I’m her dream man. I kind of feel sorry for her I guess which is why I haven’t been as harsh in rejecting her entreaties as I probably ought to be. And as tempting as she looks in those photographs it doesn’t change the fact that adultery is an actual crime here, so I won’t be going there.
You’d be amazed at just how often my name is misspelled, usually as Jhon. Given that John is prominently featured in the Bible you’d think it would be easy for them to learn.
James, yeah I’m curious to see how things work out. Here in the early days of operations, it’s interesting to see if the Kitchenette is going to be popular with the crowd it is intended to serve. So far, so good. In fact, I think my friend is overwhelmed and is going to need to hire some additional staff pronto.
I’m hoping the business is successful but that truly is the extent of my interest. Yesterday, I printed those menus and dropped them off. While I was there I ordered some food to take to the girls at Cheap Charlies. Had a beer while waiting. It’s a pleasant enough venue for beer drinking so I may drop by for a cold one (or two) as part of my regular bar crawling.
Yeah, the eyesight is continuing to deteriorate. Hopefully, I can get the test results and schedule surgery this week.
Thanks for reading and the comment!
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