Goodness gracious

I hope I get some answers and possible fixes when I visit the pulmonary doctor tomorrow. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m not getting better. It doesn’t take much to leave me winded; even the walk to the toilet feels challenging. And yet, I just checked the oximeter, and I have 94% oxygenation, which is almost normal. I haven’t been out of the house at all today, but I’ve got the Hash coming up in a couple of hours. My plan now is to give it a go and see what happens. I doubt I can do a hill climb, but I’ll try to do some of the flat at least. I really, really hate feeling this way.

On the plus side, I was able to do Swan’s candy walk yesterday. We walked into town later, and it wasn’t quite as bad as the day before. The dinner gathering at Hops and Brews was a lot of fun, and my beer-drinking abilities have not as yet been undermined. So, there’s that.

Heading out with the candy
Good morning, Easter Mountain
It rained last night
They even brought Swan a chair to dispense from
Moving on to the next stop
Two of our regulars
A house is a home
Assessing her bounty
Looking for a handout
That seems a tad disrespectful to Old Glory
So, they are going to finally widen that bridge…

I usually don’t go into town until four o’clock, but our luncheon was scheduled for one at Hops and Brews, so we headed out at 12:30.

Destination achieved.
The front door
What we came for
The only wood-fired pizza oven in town
The open-air dining area. I prefer it here, but the rest of the group wanted the indoor aircon dining experience.
Hops and Brews also features acoustic live music on weekends
Who knew?
An indoors pool table
And the indoor bar
Our group of diners
Me and my date
Dinner is served. It was tasty.
A round of after-dinner shots
Not exactly a cellar, but a wine storage room that also is used for karaoke. And yes, we went there.

It was a very nice afternoon out with the neighbors. Jeff is having us all over at his place on Friday for some grilled steaks. Life is good. Hopefully, I’ll be able to hold onto mine for a few more years (my goal is 2038).

Today’s YouTube video is from last week’s SOB competition, featuring the winning Alaska team.

Humor time:

Too soon?
Write this way to the ER, sir…
I may have posted this before, but it’s my kind of humor…
You’ve been robbed!

Okay, let’s see what happens next.

4 thoughts on “Goodness gracious

  1. I hope the doc can figure out what’s going on and provide you with some relief. Strange to have breathing problems but no pulse-ox problems.

    Food looks good, and it’s nice to know you’re on such friendly terms with your neighbors. Things could’ve been bad, but it all worked out.

    Good luck with the Hash.

  2. Hope goes well with the doc visit.

    Does Hops and Brews do their own brewing? Any venues in town that make their own beer?

  3. No, Hops and Brews carries a large selection of craft beers but doesn’t brew any. Even my San Miguel Light was on draft, so I was downing pints at the gathering. No one in town brews, but the Pinatubo Brewery in San Antonio, about 40 minutes away, is pretty popular.

  4. Kev, well, I still have the low blood oxygen levels frequently, but even when in the normal range, the breathing issues have persisted. That’s a new and ugly twist. I’m hoping the doc can make some recommendations.

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