Today marks five years in the Philippines, and I’ve lived to tell about it! So far.

Yesterday was a good illustration of what this new life looks like:

So much for the walkaholic portion of my Philippines life. The nightlife began with a stop at Sit-n-Bull to purchase some vittles for the Hideaway Wednesday feeding. Last night the girls enjoyed chicken fingers, lumpia, and a roast chicken.

And then there was Wet Spot. Aine came to my table as if nothing had happened, and I reminded her of her rude behavior on my previous visit. She denied being anything of the kind. Now, I would have accepted a simple apology along the lines of, “I’m sorry you felt that way; it was not my intention to seem rude. Let’s forget it and move on.” Instead, I got an explosion of anger in the “How dare you call me rude!” vein. Then she stormed off and ignored me for the remainder of my visit. I figured that was that, but after I was already home, Aine messaged me later that night, saying she had been surprised and hurt by my allegations of rudeness. She couldn’t understand why I had treated her so poorly. I responded that if she had been civil to me in the bar, we could have talked through it. She conceded that she lost her temper when I called her rude and regretted that. We pretty much left it there because I needed to sleep. I’m not sure what, if anything, happens next. I may have been out of line myself–I’m not sure why I even care–but what’s done is done.
My scheduled trip to the clinic for diagnostic blood testing went well, and I should have the results tomorrow. I’ll share them with Dr. Jo and get her opinion on whether I’ll have another five years of life to enjoy in my adopted home.
And these cookie recipients
She looks a little old for cookies.
Happy Filipinas! Be careful!
I assume this is sarcasm given their grim expressions.
Leaving the dead behind
I’m a sucker for long stretches of road or path leading into the unknown. That’s a nice shot.
re: Aine
Sorry to hear that that’s how things are going with her. She’s the best-looking woman of all the women you know, as far as I’m concerned. But I recall reading about her previous rudeness, and she seems to have doubled down on that. Good-looking women who turn out to have not-so-good-looking personalities end up looking ugly to me once I find out who they really are. I imagine you’ll do what you can to regain some semblance of a civil relationship with her, but that’s about it. With some people, that’s the best you can do.
Good luck with the doctor’s visit. Give us the news about your nerves.
Forgot to wish you a Happy Fifth Philiversary.
Maligayang Ikalimang Anibersaryo!
(“Happy Fifth Anniversary” according to Google Translate, which doesn’t have Tagalog but does have “Filipino.”)
Hey, lolas (grandmothers) need love too! I’m not sure what was up with those expressions, maybe they were tired of waiting for the old guy.
When I first met Aine a couple of years ago, someone who knew her ex warned me she was a drama queen. Now it seems we can’t even manage to share a drink and a chat at the bar without misunderstandings and hurt feelings. My big head is firmly in control with this one.