I’ve had sadder days, but my Saturday was just fine, thank you. Swan had a meat delivery to make in Barretto, so she joined me for my morning walk. I think I’ve mentioned before that Swan has a little sideline business where she orders meat from a distributor in Angeles City and has it delivered to our door for free. Then, Swan fills the orders of her customers. I get most of my meat through her these days (and she gets all of mine!). Swan being Swan, we took along some candy to hand out along the way. It was pretty much my standard street stroll, so there wasn’t much new or interesting to photograph. Here’s what I got:

What’s there to do on a wet Saturday evening? Well, the bars, of course. And it had been days since I’d last visited one. Well, I missed Friday anyway. There was no point in going to the beach in this weather, but honestly, I was in the mood for something a little different. And then I thought of Mugshots. It is a very nice place I rarely visit for some reason, but we rectified that yesterday. I reviewed Mugshots back when it first opened two years ago. It’s been remodeled a lot since then. Most of the dining tables are gone, and so is the singing platform. There’s also a pool table now. The woman I thought was a lesbian when I did my review is still there and it turns out she’s the owner’s wife. Oops, my bad!
We had friendly service last night, and despite being an infrequent visitor, the staff all knew me by name. The kitchen is still open, and we gave the food a try.

The food was quite good for pub fare. We arrived right when they opened at five, but several more customers came in within the hour, so they appeared to be doing well. I’ll try and visit more frequently in the future.
We were going to hit The Green Room for our nightcap, but as we approached, someone called out to us from Sloppy Joe’s. Dave’s wife Jo and her friend Grace invited us to join them while they awaited Dave’s arrival. Jo and Swan are old buddies, so I got to sit at a table full of women speaking in Tagalog until Dave arrived. After a glass of wine and a couple more beers, we headed next door. Green Room was too busy for my taste, so we continued on to Wet Spot for our final drinks of the evening.
When it was time to head home, we faced a small dilemma at the trike stand. They operate on a “first-come, first-serve” basis, but sometimes the trike at the head of the queue is too small for my fat body to squeeze in comfortably. I always feel bad about telling the guy who’s been waiting the longest no thanks, especially since the drivers all know I overpay for my ride. Then Swan remembered we had gotten the phone number for the driver of a comfortable trike, and she gave him a call. Sure enough, he was in the lineup at Wet Spot, so we had him pick us up in front of Sit-n-Bull—no drama and a comfortable ride home.
And that’s how we rolled through Saturday.
I’m far from a genius, but this one was easy enough to figure out:

Today’s YouTube video from the Filipina Pea is about whether Filipinos prefer American or Chinese interventions. It seems that most of them know who their friend is.
And now for the funny stuff:

The morning Candy Walk is done. Next up, a feeding at Hideaway, then dinner with Swan at John’s place. And the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
re: meat delivery
Have Swan get you a Chateaubriand cut of a filet mignon. Sous-vide that puppy after cutting it into steak, then sear at the end and have good dipping sauces ready. Sides can be whatever you want.
Sous vide without fancy, expensive equipment is possible. There’s a cooler technique, for example.
I haven’t seen any Haitian refugees around, so maybe the kitty will be found.
Five months old? Not enough time to have developed a sense of loyalty unless the kitten imprinted strongly on his owners.
Death comes for us all, it seems. It looks like the frog was enjoying a smoke when he got squished.
Looks to have been a big fucker when it was alive. I see a lot of amphibian/reptilian splatter here in Korea. Especially snakes, but also tiny and huge frogs.
It’s always nice to have some company along for the stroll.
I notice she’s ahead of you. How often do you really walk together? I had a Korean buddy who’d always want to go walking “together,” then during the actual walk, he’d always walk much faster than me, waiting for me only if he didn’t know the route and didn’t know which turn to take next. As an introvert, I was fine with essentially walking alone, but I often had to wonder whether he was just using me as an excuse to get himself into motion.
One side of the menu
Only one “premium” topping? I guess 95% of the time, it’s cheese. I’d go with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles, plus mayo and—if they had it—BBQ sauce. If not, good old ketchup will do.
And the other
This entire page looks good. I’d most likely go for the Fish-filet Sandwich Platter or Dinner, or the Premium Chicken-sandwich Platter. The cheese sticks (“pipes”?) also look tempting.
I hope John continues to recuperate.
The only steaks I’ve ordered through Swan have been USDA ribeye. I’ll check the menu closer for other options. Thanks for the link.
I’m usually faster than Swan. I must have slowed down for a photo and was catching up. She looks good from behind too, though. “Had a friend”? I remember the walks you posted with your walking buddy, but none recently. What happened?
I think next time I eat at Mugshots, I’m going to try the fish filet. I’ve been craving one, and I discovered on my last visit to McDonald’s that filet-o-fish sandwiches are not on the menu. Remember those?
Saw John last night at the restaurant. He was sitting mostly upright in his recliner and seemed to be in reasonably good spirits. He was happy to have survived the public hospital experience.
There’s a whole world of steak out there, and it doesn’t have to be eaten as huge slabs of meat. Slice it up thin for fajitas, for example (skirt, flatiron, hanger). Grind and make burgers (Salisbury, hamburger, etc.). Or grind and use in various pasta dishes, burritos, etc. (No electric grinder? Get a cheap crank grinder!) This barely scratches the surface. Have Swan apply her skills to the variety of steaks out there. Look up rib-eye cap, a.k.a. spinalis.
I shared the link with Swan so we’ll see if she accepts the challenge!