Thanks for the input on things you’d like to see here at LTG! I’ll do my best to periodically incorporate some of the ones that are within my wheelhouse in an effort to keep things fresh and a tad more interesting.
Commenter Kevin Kim suggested I share some of what I learned during my career in human resources management. I’ve been retired for going on seven years now, and most of what I experienced has gotten more than a little fuzzy. But I’ll kick things off with this anecdote:
There was a time when I needed to hire my own personal secretary. I had three female applicants who were all equally qualified on paper. So I called each of them in for an interview and asked each one the same question: “What would you do if I gave you ten thousand dollars?”
The first candidate answered: “I’d use the money to feed the poor children in Africa.”
The second interviewee responded: “Oh, I would go on a shopping spree and buy everything I’ve always wanted!”
The the third person told me: “Sir, I would invest the money and double it in ten years.”
So, which one do you think I hired?
I’ll reveal the answer at the end of this post.
Commenter Terry asked: “I’ve wondered how you and Kevin met and became friends . He does not do the bar thing. Was it through hiking?” And here’s the answer:
Kevin and I met in Korea many years ago through our blogs. That was before I developed an interest in hiking. Kevin is a foodie, so our first meet-ups in person were in restaurants around Itaewon that I liked. Kevin doesn’t drink, but I did get him up to my Shenanigans hang-out once. After I became a walker, we did a couple of hikes together. I showed him some paths I used to climb Namsan (a famous mountain in Seoul), and he took me on an 18-kilometer ass-kicking river walk out near where he lives. Good times and nice memories!
Anyone else curious about anything, feel free to ask away in the comments.
Alright, back to the usual stuff here at LTG. Well, actually, yesterday was on the unusual side of the scale. The only thing I did was attend a pool party at Treasure Island.

I rarely attend the quarterly pool parties because they are always held on Monday afternoon, which is Hash day. The combination of a trail I didn’t want to do and an inconvenient On-Home venue made the decision to skip the Hash this week an easy one. The pool party proved to be a nice change of pace.
I was also reminded that my normal reluctance to consume alcohol early in the day is wise. Of course, occasional stupidity is where wisdom comes from. Anyway, I had my first beer at 11:30 and my final brew at 4:00. Those were the bookends for the ten I consumed in between. It sucks to be over capacity at the time of day when I’m usually just starting out. Swan was drinking wine and also over-indulged. When we got home around 4:30, she went straight to bed.
The buffet that was included in the price of admission consisted of hot dogs, burgers, and fried chicken pieces, with sides of potato salad and coleslaw. I went with a burger, well, make that two burgers, but I only used one bun. It was quite tasty and satisfied my growling stomach.
The pool party itself consisted of the girls from the seven SOB bars competing in a series of events. As you might have guessed my favorite was the bikini contest. Here are a few of the photos I took throughout the afternoon.

Anyway, not a bad afternoon. Of course, all those beers affected my better judgment, and I wound up cheating. Swan was sleeping, and well, I just couldn’t resist the temptation. So, I baked an apple strudel. And when it was done, I smothered it in vanilla ice cream. And there is a price to be paid for such indulgences.

In the early 60s, I was growing up in Southern California. There was a chain of drugstores called Thrifty. And these stores had an ice cream counter. Perhaps that’s where I first fell in love with the sweetness in a cone.

Today’s YouTube video is from George’s All About The Philippines. He does a daytime stroll in the portion of Subic right next door to Barretto. I walk that stretch often. I’m a tad reluctant to become a vlogger, and if I ever do, I’d hope to make it a little more interesting than this. Still, if you want to get a birds-eye view of what things look like in these parts, here you go.
The funnies:

Another day with something different on tap. I’ll be attending the RSL (The Returned Services League, basically, the Aussie version of the VFW). I’m technically a member, but I have only attended one meeting previously. The neighbors invited us to participate today as there will be a big fundraising raffle. I don’t like drinking in the early afternoon, but it’s for a good cause, so… I’ll tell you all about tomorrow.
What are you still doing here? Oh. You want to know who I hired. Well, the big clue was that the position being filled was my personal secretary. So, of course, I hired the one with the big tits. (Sorry, couldn’t resist telling my favorite HR joke)
The EV madness is all about control of the masses
Elon is a puzzle. I agree he influenced the outcome of the 2024 election by opening Twitter/X up (I like how some people are just calling it “Twittex” now), but as I’ve blogged many times, I question his loyalty to the States seeing as he’s a triple citizen (South Africa, Canada, US) and has deep ties with China. And how pro-free speech can he be when he’s buddy-buddy with a repressive nation like China (he has at least two major Tesla facilities there, in Shanghai and Xinjiang, site of the concentration camps)? So while I appreciate his free-speech moves in the States and his role in the reelection of Trump, I don’t completely trust him, and his clumsy handling of the H-1B visa situation doesn’t help matters. I’m also not really in favor of EVs, either, except as limited vehicles to be used in big cities, much as they’re used in Seoul (South Korea is too small to take long drives, anyway).
the Returned Services League
Wikipedia calls this the “Returned and Services League.” So how are you a member despite having never served in Australian defense forces? That’s right courteous of them to take you in!
So, of course, I hired the one with the big tits. (Sorry, couldn’t resist telling my favorite HR joke)
Well, if you keep the secretary long enough, her tits will sag so low that they can sweep the floor, and she can become your cleaner as well.
Re: EV’s – I think they are a good idea, but one where the infrastructure is trying to catch up. I imagine that in 1925, someone trying to drive across the country would have range anxiety, as most likely gas stations were nowhere near a prevalent as today. Battery range and recharge time will only get better. I predict that in 10 years, we will see batteries with a 500+mile capacity and a <10 minute recharge, bringing it pretty much on par with gas/diesel engines.
Brian, if people want to drive electric vehicles, more power to them. They are gonna need it! California is the perfect example of state overreach. Mandating all EVs by something like 2035. Meanwhile, the state cannot generate enough power to meet current demands. Tearing down dams, shuttering nuclear power facilities, and relying on unreliable solar as replacement sources isn’t going to work. Meanwhile, manufacturing all those lithium batteries isn’t good for the environment either.
Meanwhile, China continues to build coal-fired plants. They double their carbon emissions as we foolishly try and pretend we are going green. We are willingly being played for suckers.
Kevin, there is nothing wrong with maintaining some skepticism regarding Musk, but there is no doubt in my mind that he is more trustworthy than just about anyone in the current regime. So, let’s see what he can do to make things better for us all and trust Trump to rein him in as needed.
My RSL shirt does indeed say Returned & Services League. It seems like a strange way to say those who served, but I don’t speak Australian, so what do I know? I’m an associate member, and it appeared to me that there are more Yanks in this Chapter than Aussies. RSL does a lot of charity projects and outreach efforts, so I’m happy to contribute to a good cause. Conversely, the VFW, which has a similar mission at its core, does not allow non-vets to participate. To each his own.
“Well, if you keep the secretary long enough, her tits will sag so low that they can sweep the floor, and she can become your cleaner as well.”
Spoken like a true HR professional! Well done!