Fried day

Yesterday wasn’t exactly more of the same; it was more of the same on a different timetable.

Another beautiful morning to start the day, as seen from the dog walk.

Only Ed and I showed up for the Friday group hike. We did a loop around the Naugsol valley and logged a little over 6K when we finished.

Easter Mountain from the valley floor

Things went a bit off-schedule because I had a Hash Mismanagement meeting to attend at 2 p.m. These meetings are held a couple of times a year to discuss and vote on issues impacting Hash operations. Yesterday’s agenda included voting on retaining two of our Hash venues and deciding on the location and logistics for the Hash anniversary run in October. The meeting was held at the VFW, and Dave, the Grandmaster, threw 500 pesos in the pot to treat the beer drinkers to some cold beverages. I don’t usually drink so early in the afternoon, but I made an exception yesterday.

We had some issues with being overcharged during our last visit to the One-Three Resort. The owner extended an olive branch and agreed to change the method for accounting for beer consumption, so we voted to give the venue another chance. McCoy’s unilaterally and without notice raised the price of beers during our previous visit, and we voted to end that relationship. The 41st Anniversary run of the SBH3 will be celebrated at the Subiza Beach Resort on Baloy. I was happy with that outcome as it is one of my favorite Hash venues. We also voted on the design of the Hash shirts for the anniversary. A productive and satisfactory meeting that lasted a little over an hour.

Swan messaged me that her friend Jo (the Grandmaster’s girlfriend) wanted her to come to It Doesn’t Matter. So, I agreed to join them there after the meeting. Dave (the Grandmaster), Jim, and Gunther also came to IDM when business was concluded at the VFW. So, us menfolk gathered at our table and the gals got together in their corner, and the drinking commenced. Or should I say resumed? Anyway, we had a good time doing the guy talk thing on a variety of subjects, and we went on and on into the night. I finally called it quits a little after 8 p.m., which, given my early start, made for an exceptional level of consumption. I won’t say I was fried, but I was pretty toasted.

I was pretty shocked when I was presented with a tab for 3100 pesos. I was my usual generous self when it came to lady drinks, buying two each for the two waitresses serving our table. Of course, I was buying Swan’s drinks, but she’s a comparable lightweight wine sipper. I also bought some finger foods to snack on. But doing the math in my sober head today, I’m thinking someone made a mistake. Well, I did by not being more vigilant, but things just don’t add up. Anyway, lesson learned. I hope.

I’m going to spend my Saturday evening in the relative safety and comfort of The Rite Spot. I deserve a break today.

That was a trip down memory lane, wasn’t it?

Speaking of memories, here’s what I did seven years ago::

I’m only about half that good most of the time these days.

And five years ago, during my last trip to Korea, my nephew Justin held court with Kevin Kim. Justin is a smart young man, but he’s been totally indoctrinated in liberal dogma to the extent he can no longer articulate an original political thought.

Good times!
I can’t remember if I posted this before, but it seems relevant as more and more truth about the scamdemic comes to light.

Today’s YouTube is from one of my favorites, The Filipina Pea. She’s visiting Bohol, a place at the top of my bucket list to see. Hopefully, I’ll be taking Swan there later this month.

And now, your daily dose of humor:

You little devil!
Pretty saucy, eh?
That’s pretty bad, no matter how you slice it.

2 thoughts on “Fried day

  1. A productive and satisfactory meeting that lasted a little over an hour.

    It’s not that often that one hears the adjectives “productive” and “satisfactory” attached to the noun “meeting.” I normally do what I can to avoid meetings unless I’m absolutely required to be there. I guess your meeting was a rare exception!

    …and we went on and on into the night. I finally called it quits a little after 8 p.m. …

    There’s another collocation that you never hear: “into the night” and “a little after 8 p.m.” I’d call 8 p.m. “a bit past evening.”

    But doing the math in my sober head today, I’m thinking someone made a mistake. Well, I did by not being more vigilant, but things just don’t add up. Anyway, lesson learned. I hope.

    Unheard of! Someone taking advantage of someone else’s blunted state of consciousness! A good reason not to get drunk. Rule #1 doesn’t just apply to women, and it’s doubly in force when you’re sauced.

    I can’t remember if I posted this before, but it seems relevant as more and more truth about the scamdemic comes to light.

    You seen all that nonsense from Fauci at the hearings? He’s a real POS. I’ll be putting up a video about him soon. If the GOP had any balls, Fauci’d be suffering consequences. At best, there’ll be a strongly worded letter, and Fauci will die peacefully in his bed instead of hanging from a gibbet.

  2. Kev, most meetings don’t include beer, so maybe that helped it go smoother.

    Yes, there was a time when I was just getting started at 8 p.m. Those days are gone for me now. Compounding the problem was my earlier-than-normal start–it made eight seem even later.

    Fauci should be made an example of, just as he did to all those folks who foolishly believed he had their interests at heart. He may be the worst scoundrel of the century. So far, anyway.

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