Wow! I Heard the news about the attempt to assassinate Trump during this morning’s candy walk. I’m glad he survived, or the civil war would have started today. It’s been in my mind for a while now that the deep state wasn’t going to accept another Trump presidency. And with Biden on the ropes and efforts to force his replacement being stymied, killing Trump might have seemed the best option. Well, as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and I predict Trump will be unstoppable now. Unless they succeed in their next attempt. God Bless America!
Here in my little insular world, life goes on. All I managed to do yesterday was walk into town, but that proved to be a challenge. I was breathless before I was even out of the neighborhood, and the flat highway walk was also challenging. I’ve never experienced anything like that since I began taking meds after my COPD diagnosis eight years ago. Scary shit, and I hope the doctor can get me back on track. I was a little better this morning and did a short candy walk without too much problem, although I was still feeling weak and tired. I’m not giving up without a fight. I intend to die as a walkaholic.
The feeding at Hideaway was accomplished. Four gals, no customers other than me. The owner is back in town but wasn’t there during my visit. I’m not sure what the future holds for this bar, but it doesn’t look good to this outsider.

After completing the feeding, I headed over to It Doesn’t Matter to help owner Cliff celebrate his 60th birthday.

On the way home, we stopped at Myleen’s and got some pecan pie to celebrate National Pecan Pie day in the Philippines (a holiday I just invented. Thanks for the idea Brian).
That’s all there was to my day. This post has been a bit more rushed than usual because I have a special luncheon I’ll be attending this afternoon. The Hops and Brews Beer Garden has a Sunday special roast, and my neighbors, Jeff and Davina, invited us to join them. The neighbors on my other side will be there, too. It should be fun and different. Hops and Brews is a nice venue with quality food, but it is just one of those places I rarely visit. I’ll try and get some good pics to share the experience with my readers here.
From Facebook memories, I’m reminded of an after work stroll I took in Seoul eight years ago.

Nine years ago, I observed that my restroom legacy lived on.

Even at my worst, I was never as bad as this “slow learner” Reekay talks about in today’s YouTube video:
I’m in a hurry, so these will have to suffice for humor today:

Need to run, back tomorrow. I hope.
Yeah, it’s as though the world changed while I slept. Well, if nothing else, this pretty much guarantees Trump the election. In theory, he ought to have been pushed way past the margin of fraud. A furious electorate will be out in force come November. People might forget the aftermath of a debate, but they won’t forget this. Ramp up those election-integrity efforts, guys!
Civil war would have started? Dream on. The left would certainly kick off were that scenario to be reversed. But there’s something detached about the right. When they should step up to protest, they step back for fear of being called racist or something. Yes I follow the January 6th protest was a fancy dress parade allowed to spill over its designated grounds.
Dan, you are right, but I think an assassination might have been a “Fort Sumter” moment. Glad we didn’t have to find out one way or the other!