In its own way. Well, that’s what the song says anyway. I’ve seen some fucked up shit in my time that is the opposite of beautiful. But I guess the point is that it matters how you look at the world around you and that outlook determines its relative beauty.
So, welcome to another beautiful rainy afternoon in the Philippines. The weather was kind enough to stay dry until I completed my morning rounds. That and my nap is the sum of all my accomplishments thus far today. But I do have some beautiful photographs from yesterday’s hike to share with you:
Almost 7K. We met up with Scott at the mountain family’s place which is where the hike “officially” started…These four (L-R: Dan, Steve, Troy, and Viola) met me at my house and we hoofed it over to the mountain family via My Bitch.That’s me arriving at the mountain family’s place after a 30 minute trek……and providing some cookies to the matriarch Oliva…Their house may not be the finest around, but I’ve seen worse.And they have a million-dollar view… Marching on.Goat on a stump.Where pond scum comes from…Another mountain…….another mountain family.Nice to meet you!Mama hard at work doing laundry…And more kids around back! Good thing I brought plenty of goodies.Red Horse beer and Emperador Rum. I guess that’s what gets you through the night on a lonely mountaintop.And we were surprised to discover this place next door. That’s the treehouse Troy’s ex-girlfriend built. It is actually really cool but I can’t imagine living a good hard one hour hike from anywhere. And hauling everything you need on your back. The lack of electricity would be a problem for me too…Great views though! Time to head out…Easter mountain from on high…And from the valley floor…On and on and on it goes…That’s the last of my cookies…Finally back in my neighborhood and on my street!Let’s eat!And then my cheap-ass Filipino plastic chair let me down–and not in a good way!
Oh well, at least I didn’t fall on trail. And my new backpack worked out great. Almost no shoulder pain during the hike.
Ain’t life beautiful?
Everything is beautiful in its’ own way Like a starry summer night or a snow covered winter’s day Everybody’s beautiful in their own way Under God’s heaven, the world’s gonna find a way There is none so blind as he who will not see We must not close our minds, we must let our thought be free For every hour that passes by, you know the world gets a little bit older It’s time to realize that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
3 thoughts on “Everything is beautiful”
Awesome pics. Too bad about the chair. Here in Seoul, the local Costco sells cheap-but-sturdy folding chairs that cost only W17,000 each ($14.50 at the current rate). I’ve used these for years, although I do occasionally think about upgrading. Now that your own chair has broken, will you be upgrading? Does your town have any traditional craftsmen who make sturdy chairs out of locally sourced materials? (traditional Filipino chairs, Google Images)
Great pics. Nice to be so close to nature!!
I picked up like six of those chairs at the local market for a birthday I hosted a while back. I’ve broken two of them now. Think they are designed with a Filiipina ass in mind. No big deal, they were cheap. Proving once again that you get what you pay for.
And yes, it’s a fact–being surrounded by nature’s beauty is what I like best about my life here.
Awesome pics. Too bad about the chair. Here in Seoul, the local Costco sells cheap-but-sturdy folding chairs that cost only W17,000 each ($14.50 at the current rate). I’ve used these for years, although I do occasionally think about upgrading. Now that your own chair has broken, will you be upgrading? Does your town have any traditional craftsmen who make sturdy chairs out of locally sourced materials? (traditional Filipino chairs, Google Images)
Great pics. Nice to be so close to nature!!
I picked up like six of those chairs at the local market for a birthday I hosted a while back. I’ve broken two of them now. Think they are designed with a Filiipina ass in mind. No big deal, they were cheap. Proving once again that you get what you pay for.
And yes, it’s a fact–being surrounded by nature’s beauty is what I like best about my life here.