Every which way but loose

I took a hybrid approach to yesterday’s Hash, taking the My Bitch trail from my house to the On-Home at the end of Rizal Extension, a tad over 3K. Pubic Head and Buddy Fucker also left from their houses, and we met up along the way at mountain mama Onelia’s place. In an unheard-of precedent, Vienna Sausage laid a trail that was only 2K in length, although it did feature a couple of hill climbs. We encountered several of the hard-core Hashers who had hiked the trail and then walked it again in reverse to get some more distance in. The last portion of my hike was the beginning of the “official” Hash trail, so technically, I did part of it at least. And my trail was longer, so there!

But I wasn’t done yet. I had a few beers at Tiny Cunt’s house (the On-Home venue) but departed just before the Hash circle began. I walked the 3K back into town and had dinner and some more beers at our traditional after-Hash hangout, It Doesn’t Matter. The other Hashers rolled in about an hour after my arrival. After drinking my fill, I popped into Myleen’s and grabbed a couple of slices of apple pie to share with Swan at home.

And that’s the way I rolled yesterday.

My house to the On-Home via the Bitch
This cutie and her mama were on the way to the creek to do laundry and fill the water jugs. I was glad to sweeten her day with cookies and lollipops.
The view from here
Waiting for the other alternative Hashers at Onelia’s place
Here come Buddy Fucker and Pubic Head
And here come the Gash
Doing it our way
The Kalaklan Ridge I sometimes climb
Kinda sorta a bay view
And there’s that mountain I like
Proof that we did, in fact, do some of the Hare’s trail. In reverse, but still…
We also passed MJ’s place (the widow with kids I’ve been helping these past few years). As you can see, she experienced a landslide during last week’s storm. She was pretty upset about it, but I pointed out that her house was still intact. At least until the next storm.
And On-On we go to the On-Home
The pre-Circle beer drinking portion of the Hash.
No Circle for me, though. I headed for IDM and enjoyed a tasty chicken burger when I arrived
I saw this Jeep Grand Cherokee on the way to IDM. That’s what I drove when I lived in Virginia. One of my favorite vehicles ever.

And speaking of memories, the Westminster Facebook group I belong to posted this old photo of our high school swimming pool.

In summertime, the pool was open for the community. I took a few plunges from that high dive back in the day.

A more recent memory was from seven years ago, when I took my nephews on a bar crawl in Anjeong-ri.

Shooter’s Bar was one of my favorites in those days

Today’s YouTube video recounts the vlogger’s experiences as a newbie in the Philippines. Some good advice is to bring in fresh hundred-dollar bills. Most exchanges will not accept old versions or any writing or other damage. I made that mistake the last time I brought in dollars, and I have several hundred that no one will take. You can also enjoy the street scenes of downtown Cebu during the narration.

Maybe these will make you smile:

Funny how that works
The dog is Lucky to have a Buddy like that.
That’s a logical question

For some reason, I thought of the Eddie Rabbitt song, Every Which Way But Loose, today. I enjoyed Rabbitt’s music back in the day, but I don’t think I ever purchased an album. I’d also forgotten that he died back in 1998. But he lives on through his music. Thanks for that, Eddie!  

2 thoughts on “Every which way but loose

  1. This cutie and her mama were on the way to the creek to do laundry and fill the water jugs. I was glad to sweeten her day with cookies and lollipops.

    My father, born in 1942 like Joe Biden, used to talk about having to carry water home in buckets when he lived in New Jersey.

    As you can see, she experienced a landslide during last week’s storm.

    She should think about digging a new dwelling inside the hill, like a Hobbit.

    Funny how that works

    Until your first erection… then for some of us, the other, stupider head takes over.

    For some reason, I thought of the Eddie Rabbitt song, Every Which Way But Loose, today.

    I always think of the Eastwood comedy when I hear that title. Rabbitt’s song features at the beginning of the movie. Rabbitt himself reminds me of Daario Naharis from Game of Thrones.

  2. Life’s a struggle for the hillbillies here, that’s for sure. I just can’t imagine living that way.

    That little head ain’t too smart, but damn, he knows how to have fun!

    Rabbitt and Daario do look eerily alike. I had forgotten the Daario character.

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