Soju Honcho left a comment asking about the name of the bridge on my masthead and the photographer. It’s the Dongjak bridge near Ichon-dong. Dave New is a hobbyist photographer and quite talented. Back in his Seoul days he also threw a mean game of darts. You might want to enjoy some of his work on his flickr page. This album is my favorite, featuring a former waitress from Dolce Vita.

Dave’s photo that became my masthead. I wrote about him here.
In other news, I had re-established contact with my high school girlfriend via Facebook. Enjoyed some nice chats about the glory days. And just like that she has disappeared again. Not sure if she has blocked me (don’t know why she would) or if she has quit facebook altogether. Makes me sad though. Sing it Bruce:
Now I think I’m going down to the well tonight
and I’m going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don’t sit around thinking about it
but I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
a little of the glory of, well time slips away
and leaves you with nothing mister but
boring stories of glory days
I coulda been in pictures. Got a call the other night from one of the owners of Shenanigans. Seems someone was looking for an “older” foreigner to appear in a movie that’s being filmed in June. Willy showed him my Kakao profile picture and the guy said “he’s the one!”. Willy gave him my phone number but so far no call. Rejection sucks, although I guess I’m getting used to it.
What else?
Three hours on and over the mountain today. 18,987 steps all told. And I think most of them were actual steps…
And then there was this:
Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs.
Hey John
I hear you about the rejection. I found out on Wednesday I didn’t get the PhD position I applied for, which would have been good as the salary for doing a PhD in Sweden is decent. Thing is, I asked them ages ago to at least let me know about the results so I could get on with my life, instead of sitting around waiting week after week for some good news (I was certain I would get is, as I worked with the supervisor before and so on). They didn’t even have the decency to do that, I had to find out the hard way.
So for the first 30 minutes I was upset and angry and feeling worthless, then I thought I have to do something, so I called the restaurant/bar down the road and asked if they have anything. Met the owner yesterday, and will be given a trial run in a week. Yep, that’s me – the 38 year-old guy chopping up tomatoes in the kitchen being bossed around by a 20 year-old.
Life goes on I guess, so while we might both be going through some rough patches I am sure it will get better. On that note, off to get many many beers and make myself some pulled pork tacos. Cheers
Vaster, that’s a tough situation. You have the right outlook though, pick yourself up and move on with life. Things can and will change. For what it is worth, in my career the jobs I didn’t get set me up for better opportunities later. Good luck to you!
dave new is quite talented-and so is min young. very nice indeed!