Having crispy crittered my lunch, I started my evening out in search of food. John’s place being on the other side of town, had the added benefit of getting in some extra steps (I wound up with 17,852/13.72K on the day). John has updated his menu to include his various steak selections:

I went with one of my favorites instead:

After my meal, I began a mini-bar crawl at Hideaway. I didn’t come prepared to provide any treats for the gals like I usually do, but then the Belgian chocolate guy showed up, so I bought some of his wares for the girls to enjoy.
My next stop was Sloppy Joe’s, a new bar I still need to review. I was the only customer there to take advantage of their buy one/take one drink special. It’s actually a great deal. Finished the second gin and soda, then moved on up the highway to Johannson’s. Another place I’m going to need to review soon. I was the only person at the bar (there were a couple of diners), but my pal Erik was walking by, so he came in and joined me. We had a little chat with our drinks, and then I got a message from Lydell at Kamto inviting me to buy her drinks join her there. Kamto, here I come! (I made sure I had my wallet in my pocket this time!)
As is my custom, I bought the three waitresses (Lydell, Heidi, and Rose) a drink. A bit later, Roseanne, the bartender at Snackbar who recently gave birth, dropped in. It was good to see her again, so I bought her a drink too. I commented on her weight reduction, and she noted that my belly was still as big as ever. Hey, I’m working on it!

I paid my tab, around 1200 pesos if I recall, and made Outback my last call of the night. I think I had two there and bought lady drinks for Bhel and another waitress. Then I caught the trike back home.
One of the items I purchased on my wasted trip to the S&R superstore was a half gallon of ice cream. Ice cream is not really on my diet, of course, and I’ve refrained from buying it on my previous trips to Royal. But when I saw this, I couldn’t resist.

And that’s the way my last night went down. It’s another SOB Friday, so I’ve got my work cut out for me tonight. See you tomorrow with a full report.