I played my singles league dart match against Jocelyn last night. Eked out a 9-7 victory, and was probably fortunate to have done so. A very frustrating night. I was off my game for one thing, but I was also handicapped by my darts not sticking properly in the dart board. I had lots of fall outs which are real game changers. Not sure what to do about it. I’ve recently replaced the points on my darts, but that doesn’t seem to have corrected the problem. Well, I’m to blame as well, I suppose. I don’t throw hard to begin with which just exacerbates the problem. I tried tossing my darts more forcefully, but that just caused me to lose accuracy (of which I have little to spare). I’m not making excuses, even when my darts stuck in the board I was playing like shit. Jocelyn keeps getting better and better, and I was down 2-5 before clawing my way back.
On the to-do list: 1. practice, practice, practice. 2. look for a replacement set of darts.

Here’s a quick update on my FB lady friends. Elley continues to message me with irritating regularity, despite my trying to ignore her. For example, last night:
Hello Can I sleep over to you ? I will take care of you sweetie Message me please
I willing to stay to you forever sweetie I hope you understand my feelings for you sweetie
Hello sweetie can I sleep over there now I’m little bit drunk I hope I stay with you at least this Night
Geez. No thank you! Well, she’s also asked a couple of times to bring her cousin over with her. Um, that gets my imagination humming, but I think prudence dictates that I stay far away from this one.
Now, Joy, on the other hand, seems to be normal enough that I may want to maintain a friendship with her. I’ve already committed to seeing her prior to her daughter’s birthday on April 2. That way she’ll have the funds for a celebration. But I’ve appreciated that Joy seems to genuinely care about my well-being (or at least does a good job pretending). She also volunteered to come over and take care of me while I’m under the weather. I declined of course, but I thought it was sweet of her to offer. She has also suggested some home remedies for my symptoms. And next time we meet she wants to give me a massage. She can also hold her own pretty well in a conversation. So, basically, Joy is offering to do the kind of things that I’d like to have done for me. In return, of course, I’ll give her the cash she so desperately needs. Depending on how things go I may “adopt” her as my charity project. Meaning I’ll go beyond the quid pro quo of money for sex and perhaps do some other things to make her life easier. We’ll see. What I don’t want to happen is for Joy to start acting like Elley–I’m not looking to get into a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with anyone. If I start getting those vibes, I’ll head for the hills.
Concerning my health, I seem to be doing somewhat better today. I had a rough night last night, body aches made it hard to get comfortable and sleep. My cough is still here, but I’m hacking up phlegm, so that’s not consistent with COVID symptoms. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning and I could taste it just fine. When I take my temperature, it is normally around 35.8. I watched it creep up throughout the day yesterday, and it peaked at 37.4 this morning. Just checked it again now, and it has dropped to 36.7. So, whatever this is, it seems like perhaps it has run it’s course, Or at least things are moving in the right direction. I’m staying close to home and taking it easy, just to be on the safe side.

And that, dear readers, is just about all I’ve got for you today. Well, I found this both funny and sad

“But be careful out there. Things are not always as they appear…”
So the plot twist is that the person in the mosaicked Domino’s ad is actually a guy. (Ladyboys for the win!)
Congrats on beating Jocelyn.
The way Elley keeps robotically inserting the word “sweetie” into her messages is a huge red flag. Her misuse of the preposition “to” (as in “sleep over to you” and “stay to you forever”) also feels very Konglishy. In print, this woman is utterly off-putting—retarded and illiterate.
“But I’ve appreciated that Joy seems to genuinely care about my well-being (or at least does a good job pretending).”
I vote “pretending.” Are we learning yet, or are we still stubbornly letting the dick do our thinking? Rule #1 is absolute. No exceptions.
I’m glad you’re feeling better, although I worry you’ll be wasting your healthy days on whores who are slowly draining you of your cash—all because of a compulsive need for insincere companionship. Doesn’t that get tiresome after a while? Doesn’t that start to feel empty and meaningless? None of these women who are paying attention to you actually like you on any level. All they see is $$$. If they truly liked you in a “friend” sort of way, they’d hang out with you; they’d be around to help you when you needed help; they’d share their deepest, darkest secrets with you; they’d want to see your life become richer and deeper. That’s friendship as opposed to paid companionship.
Sigh… maybe Joy truly is friend material. I suspect that she isn’t, given your track record thus far, but maybe, just maybe, she can be a friend if not a fuck-buddy. We’ll see, I guess… although I’m pretty sure I can predict what you’ll be writing about, regarding Joy, in the coming weeks and months. Prove me wrong.
Before I forget:
Chef’s Chocolate Salted Balls
SNL: Shweddy Balls
“So the plot twist is that the person in the mosaicked Domino’s ad is actually a guy. (Ladyboys for the win!)”
Damn, I thought she looked familiar!
Yeah, Elley is definitely not on my list for a revisit, with or without her cousin. One of her earliest messages after our first and last encounter was expressing an interest in joining me for a hike. I was entertaining that idea until she followed up with a seemingly endless chain of “sweetie” messages. “I willing to stay with you forever” after one brief sexual encounter–seriously?
Perhaps it is only by comparison to Elley that Joy seems to have some potential, but she’s doing the kind of things I like so far. For one, she’s not pestered me for money or experienced any “emergencies” that only I can rescue her from. And she has shown an interest in me and the things I do–“what are you cooking today?”, “I hope you’ll invite me to hike with you”, offering up some remedies for my cough, and volunteering to nurse me back to health. Yeah, she may just be playing the game, but she does it well. And really, that’s all I’ve expected from any of her predecessors, but they couldn’t even pretend to care. Anyway, I have my eyes wide open and will walk away if she gets needy and clingy, but so far, so good.
As to the larger issue of my “compulsive need for insincere companionship”, I consider that a feature, not a bug. It is a risk-free proposition–if I don’t care, they can’t hurt me. Having someone around occasionally to hang with (and/or bang with) without all that relationship baggage is what I want at this stage of my life. Maybe that is empty and meaningless, but it is only a small part of my life. If I find one who can play that role it will be money well spent! Who knows, maybe I will find a “true friend” along the way. I’m just not going to set myself up for disappointment if I don’t.
Thanks for the links to the ballsy videos. I hate Alec Baldwin but enjoyed his Schweddy balls! I need to sing Chef’s song next time I serve up a helping of my balls.