What? Two posts in one day? It must still be raining. Why yes, yes it is!
Anyway, I came home for my beer drinking expedition last night feeling some hunger pangs. Seeing as how I was too drunk lazy to do much kitchen work, I grabbed a pie from the freezer and popped it into the microwave.
Back in the day when I lived out west (California and Arizona) Marie Callender’s was a pretty outstanding restaurant chain. I loved the pot pies they served. Now, the frozen version is much smaller and not nearly as tasty, but in a pinch it’ll do.
This morning while getting some walking done, I popped into Arizona for a quick breakfast. Even though I’m only there once a month or so at best, the waitress knew I wanted brewed coffee, black. For some reason I was reminded of the story of the guy who ordered coffee with no cream. The surly waitress responded “we don’t serve cream here. You can have your coffee with no milk!”. I told that old saw to my waitress who laughed politely. Ah well.
Anyway, I wound up ordering the biscuits with sausage gravy. As soon as they were served I was pretty sure I was going to regret my choice.
As the picture above indicates, I only ate about 2/3 of one biscuit. The gravy was fine and they even had extra on the side. Nothing I wanted to pour it on though. I would have preferred toast to those so-called biscuits. Anyway, Arizona’s food is normally very good to excellent, so I’m guessing this was an aberration. Or maybe people in these parts like their biscuits served that way.
I did notice that Arizona has a Cottage Pie on the menu. Maybe next time I’m there to eat I’ll give it a try.
After my soggy walk I came back home and wrote about that adventure. And before I knew it, it was time for lunch. Well, I had defrosted steaks a couple of days ago so I, popped some taters in the oven, put the corn-on-the-cob in a pot on the stove, defrosted some vegetables, and fired up the grill.
In non-food related news, as a dog owner I’m always looking for useful information. I put this in the “good to know” category for sure:
Again, I’m somewhat loathe to engage in meaningless political discourse these days, knowing full well that minds are unlikely to be changed. But sometimes I just can help myself, especially when I come across a meme that makes me laugh. Like this one:
Anyway, I’m a long way away and the Democratic field is doing a fine job beclowning themselves without my help. Have at it, by all means!
I have to wonder how good a pie crust is after you microwave it. Normally, microwaving anything even remotely bread-related is a bad idea unless you’re trying to soften and rejuvenate stale bread.
Yeah, the directions give you both options, microwave and oven. I’m an impatient bastard but next time I’ll see if the oven makes a difference…