More of the same around here. But that’s not to say things are boring. I seem to be cursed to live in interesting times. Well, that’s an overstatement. Drama isn’t necessarily all that interesting.
I did have to inwardly smile at the ridiculousness of it all, in a sad way. Last night the ex was texting me about how sad she is but she knows I’m happy with Janey. I didn’t have the energy to argue the point with her. This morning I hear from Janey and she wishes me much happiness with my ex. I have no idea where these ideas are coming from. I responded: “My ex wants me to be happy with you. You want me to be happy with my ex. I think it is time for me to contact Mary again.” That last part was a joke, but Janey said that’s a good idea. I thanked her for advice and left it at that.
Today was hiking day with the Wednesday walking group, old guy edition. Simon (Leech My Nuggets) wanted to join us and I warned him we’d be taking it easy today as Scott is recovering from an illness. Simon was okay with that, so off we all went. About 2K in, Scott had to bail as he wasn’t as recovered as he thought. That left me without an excuse to keep it easy, so Simon led us up a pretty tough climb. In his defense, he was looking for a different trail that would have been easier, but couldn’t find it. Anyway, it was a good and hard workout and I survived. Works for me!
I was lazy with the camera today. Sorry about that.

In other news, I haven’t lost my sense of humor:

Woo Hoo! Curfew is extended until 9:30 starting today. That means I won’t have to rush around to get my requisite drinking done. Today I will enjoy a leisurely dinner alone at Sit-n-Bull before heading out to my bar of choice for some beer-fueled introspection. Hey, it’s what I do.
How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold
How can people have no feelings
How can they ignore their friends
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no
Especially people who care about strangers
Who care about evil and social injustice
Do you only care about the bleeding crowd
How about a needy friend
I need a friend
Not the same old same old here. Monday 90F and still much smoky haze from fires on the Western slope. Tuesday in the 30s and blowing kinda soft graupel diamonds, aka rice snow. Won’t stick.
Both of your exes are wishing you happiness. A double dose of happiness and a long rejuvenating walk followed by a beer with a view of the ocean.
You are living the good life that we can only hope for
Am surprised Janey is even talking to you. I gather she’s dealing with her own internal confusion. (Or is she just spitefully hectoring you now, for entertainment’s sake?) The Korean way: break up and cut ’em off completely. There’s closure that way, and any confusion is boxed up and locked away. As for Koreans who don’t do that: they’ve been hanging around too many Americans. Americans, who are often gluttons for unnecessary self-punishment, love to teeeaaase out the drama. Break up, get back together, break up, get back together… what a waste of time and life. I saw this all through college. Never understood it.
To be fair, if you break up with someone in a small town, everyone’s orbits and ambits are so restricted that you can’t help routinely bumping into your exes. That would feel stifling to me.
James, that’s a great perspective. Thanks, it provided good food for thought.
Kev, not sure what motivated Janey. Well, should did harangue me some more about the photo incident I wrote about. Turns out her friend “Judy” did lie to her. Somehow it is still my fault though. She said all the Hash girls are mad at her because of me. I didn’t engage much, telling her it was not my business and she shouldn’t let a bunch of catty girls get to her. In the end she asked if we were still friends and I responded “of course”.
That seems to be the way to do it with Filipinas in a small town. They don’t lose face so much and it is easier to just be friends than not.