The Metropolitician quotes King Sejong, the inventor of the Korean written language (Hangul):
As King Sejong said about learning Korean, “a wise man” could allegedly learn it in a day, and even “a fool” could in “a fortnight.” I guess if I’m speaking fluent Korean and the KKK (Korean Keystone Kops) are marveling that I can write what the Korean government always refers to as “the world’s most scientific alphabet” and claims is the “easiest to learn,” that would make me a drooling idiot.
Well, the Metropolitician is quite fluent in the language and if he is considered a drooling idiot, what does that make me?
Motivated to go study for my 3 o’clock lesson, that’s what.
By the way, if you don’t read Michael’s blog, you need to. He is probably the most important voice on race issues and discrimination in Korea. The post I lifted the above quote from is one of a series involving a very unfortunate incident with a drunk Korean and the Korean National Police. Very scary stuff.