Down in old Virginny…

…Virginia Beach to be precise.

Here for a rather large annual dart tournament, the aptly named Virginia Beach Dart Classic.  An interesting ride getting out here.  From an amazing sunrise in South Carolina to a surprising heavy snowstorm in Virginia.  The sun was quite beautiful until it began frying my retinas.  Driving blind is not as much fun as it sounds.  It’s 36 degrees Fahrenheit, so at least the snow wasn’t sticking.  There is, however, an icy wind a blowing that makes standing on the 6th floor balcony quite painful.

Oh, the reason I was up before the sun this morning was to make the 6 hour drive and arrive in time for the two o’clock start of the Pro Cricket qualifying event.  Having arrived at just prior to one, I was feeling rather pleased with myself.  Right up until I noticed the start time is four o’clock.  Duh!  In my defense, the actual Pro Cricket event does start at two tomorrow.  So you can see how I might have been confused.

Speaking of Pros, I see from the sign-up list that some of the top darters in the country have turned out.  That should make the punishment that will shortly be coming my way all the more delicious.

Ah well, there’s always the view…


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