I certainly hope so. I’m also keeping in mind it could be a whole lot worse. And if I had to place a bet I’d say it will get worse before it gets better. Rumors are running strong that the “enhanced quarantine” will be extended at least another thirty days. If true, it’s going to get real ugly before it is all said and done. We shall see.

Like everywhere else in the world, the major outbreaks are largely in the metropolitan areas, which makes sense. What doesn’t make sense to me is to literally starve people in order to “save” them from a virus that for 99% of humans is not fatal. Yeah, I get the whole “flattening of the bell curve” thing. But that doesn’t really apply in a 3rd world ass-backward country like the Philippines. They don’t have the ability to test for, monitor, or treat this virus. We are in the third week of lockdown, what more do they expect to accomplish?
In the meantime, nothing to do but make the best of whatever life brings. “Gomans” was still open yesterday, so there’s that.

Closer to home, as in right across the street, things were heating up:

Even without the fire, it was pretty damn hot yesterday. But today it is chili:

With people all over the world stuck at home I guess it was inevitable that boredom would result in all sorts of Facebook fun and games. I don’t normally participate, but I relented for the “long hair/short hair challenge”.

Wasn’t that fun? Speaking of Facebook, the “memories” feature reminded me of happier times in Istanbul:

Man oh man, all these photos of yours truly make me feel like I’m looking in a mirror.

You gotta laugh in the face of adversity, right?
I know you feel these are the worst of times
I do believe it’s true
When people lock their doors and hide inside
Rumor has it it’s the end of Paradise
Regarding those fires: is it a matter of a lack of regulations, a lack of enforcement, or both?
See, pineapple in chili kinda makes sense. The sweetness of the pineapple balances out the salt and spice of the rest of the chili. The pineapple’s acidity cuts through any fattiness from the beef. Pineapple with pork also makes sense. But pineapple with pork in a creamy, savory sauce? Not so sure about that one. As you say, though, you can barely taste the pineapple.
That pic of you with the Turkish(?) lady gives me a very Ernest Borgnine kinda’ vibe.
I have yet to receive a clear answer as to who or why is doing these burns. Since they are so ubiquitous I have to assume they serve a purpose and are probably not illegal.
Yep, pineapple is going to be a standard chili ingredient henceforth. How do you think it would go with baby back ribs?
And yes, that belly dancer is Turkish but I don’t think she looks anything like Ernest Borgnine!
Never saw such a wide grin on your face as the one you are sporting with Miss Turkey. Understandable though. Your face is only centimeters from that delightful mammary gland. The rest of her is pretty delightful too. Fu*k the PI. If I were a retired, eligible bachelor, I’d be on the next flight to Ankara. Your mirror comment reminded me of a STYX song.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall
The face you’ve shown me scares me so
Thought that I could call your bluff
But now the lines are clear enough
Life’s not pretty, even though
I tried so hard to make it so
Mornings are such cold distress
How did I ever get into this mess”.
Remember that one from back in the day? Peace Out!
Yeah, I was a Styx fan back in the 80s. And the smile? Tits in the face and look where my hand is… Does it get any better than that?
I think pineapple and baby-back ribs are a good combination. Are you going to grind the pineapple into a sauce and baste the pork with it, saving some sauce for dipping later on? Or do you have a different plan?
I was just thinking about the flavor, don’t really have a plan. But the sauce idea sounds great!