Death be not proud

I don’t spend much time pondering the inevitability of the inevitable. Still, according to attorneys for long term care planning, as one becomes officially elderly the diminished nature of the potential future is harder to ignore. That’s especially true when people around you start dying. Two deaths (that I know about) here in Barretto this week. They weren’t people I knew well enough to even be called acquaintances, just a couple of guys I’d see around occasionally.

Philip was an Aussie somewhere around my age. We didn’t normally frequent the same bars, but during lockdown when “Gomans” was about the only game in town, I’d see him in there nursing a beer and smoking a cigarette. Always alone. Kinda like me in that regard. I heard he’d been injured in a trike accident but I understand his actual cause of death was from some underlying medical condition. When the manager at Mangos talked to me about his death she was upset because he was still in the morgue–no one had arranged a funeral for him. Well, I guess that might be sad to die friendless but as I told her, Philip no longer cares.

I just learned of the second death yesterday. A guy named David was murdered (stabbed to death) out on Baloy beach where he resided.

David was living in this dumpy apartment and he died there during an apparent robbery. Although why someone living in squalor would be a target for robbers is a mystery.

I’ve walked by his place many times over my years here and he was often sitting alone outside wearing shorts with no shirt. Tall and skinny. I’m told he was 75 years old. I never spoke to him as I passed by but I often wondered what his story might be. I figured he was probably some pensioner barely getting by, but still wanted to live the dream in the Philippines. Turns out he used to be an actor and had been living here since the 1970’s! Rest in Peace, Mr. Light. A sad end to a long and interesting life. I wish I had sat with you and shot the shit. But that’s just not my way.

Yesterday’s Hash didn’t kill me, so I’ve got that going for me. It was actually a pretty nice trail with the exception of a couple of spots coming down from the mountain. One place was so steep I finally just sat and slid down on my ass. Another I literally had to climb down some tree roots. Ah, the challenges that we overcome are the ones that provide the most satisfaction in life, right?

The eye in the sky view of the trail. Around 6K.
Some nice views from the ground too.
That’s the backside of Easter mountain off in the distance.
That’s not me, but those are the roots I mentioned we had to navigate to get down.
My helper Gina enjoyed her second Hash on a sunny day.
The Hares (Anal Receptive and Bum Burgler) left some encouragement on the trail as we made our way On-Home to Hunter Jo’s Inn.
Our Subic Hash motto is “It’s nice on ice”. Here is butt one example.
Our waitress was a real cutie! Get a load of that hair!
The Hash starts and ends early these days. And even though I had drunk plenty already it wasn’t enough to stop me from going to Mangos for a nightcap and to enjoy the sunset. I was feeling no pain when I headed home.
Yesterday was also my daughter’s 45th birthday. Hard to believe a young-looking buck like me could have a kid that old, but it’s true!

Welp, I’m alive and kicking. Let’s hope I can keep it that way. And no, the thought that bad things come in threes never entered my mind. Until now. Damn it!

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;

For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow

Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.

From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,

Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,

And soonest our best men with thee do go,

Rest of their bones, and soul’s delivery.

Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,

And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,

And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well

And better than thy stroke; why swell’st thou then?

One short sleep past, we wake eternally

And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

–John Donne

7 thoughts on “Death be not proud

  1. Murder in Baloy!! That sounds scary. I guess one should take the necessary precautions even around those sunny beaches. RIP to the gentleman.

    The Hash group’s custom of sitting bare-arsed on a block of ice seems like a regular thing. I had imagined it was done on the rare occasion when there are new members or if there was some sort of commemoration. But it looks like y’all just like putting your buns on ice for all to see. Either way, a novel way to cool down after the walk in the steaming heat.

    Happy birthday to your daughter. Hard to believe that you have a 45year-old daughter . I have always wondered but never asked, I do wonder how and if your children read this blog and what they think of your unfiltered shenanigans. Other than a few posts that you edited or hidden, your life is bared for all to see and it is a very accurate record of your daily thoughts and activities. I imagine this is as close to a living autobiography as it gets for all concerned .

    As always, thank you for the writing. Keep it up and enjoy this early and long Christmas season

  2. Hey there, James. Well, violence is less frequent here than back home in the USA, so I’m not too worried.

    Yeah, the ice is well-used every week. It’s recognition/punishment for a wide variety of feats and transgressions. All in good fun, of course.

    When I moved to the PI my daughter said “Daddy, I want you to be happy. Just don’t date a woman younger than me!” I truthfully responded, “honey, they are ALL younger than you!”

    It’s funny when I first started writing the blog it was intended to be a way to stay in touch with friends and family back home when I moved to Korea. I don’t believe anyone in my family reads the blog these days. Truth is, after all these years I’m kind of estranged from everyone I knew. So the journal has become more of a diary I suppose and I try to write as if no one cares. I don’t advertise the blog or link to it from Facebook like I used to. That gives me a little more freedom to tell the whole story of my life, sordid though it may be.

    Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Yeah, if there’s one aspect of your life in the PI that’s always worried me, it’s the prospect of robbery/burglary and assault/murder. Take care, take precautions, and always keep a weapon handy.

  4. Just to keep you aware, we do read it. Well, I do anyways. The little one has stumbled upon it many times when she has googled her name or her parent’s names. I’ve done my best to block it, but the internet is easy for children to use these days. I would assume the other grandchildren have most likely seen it too with a quick search of their name or Mom’s name.

  5. Kev, well I am unarmed but I always try to be situationally aware.

    Lauren, nice to hear from you again. What’s it been, going on two years now? Sorry to be such a disappointment to you guys, but at least I haven’t been forgotten.

  6. Death is part of the circle of life I guess. Always a bit of a jolt when someone you know (even casually) passes.

    Re: David Light – met a few guys like that in Thailand. Priced themselves into a situation that they generally dont like, but unable to change their circumstances. Always bitching about where they lived, the location, the accommodations, the weather, the food, the woman, etc, etc. but did not have the will, opportunity or money to change their lot in life. Kind of sad. (Of course, I dont know if David was like that, but I also can’t imagine someone choosing to live in crappy accommodations if they dont have to)

  7. Yeah, no idea what David was really all about. The stories going around are that he was into the bakla (transgender) scene and that he pissed off the wrong person. Anyway, he made it to 75 and that’s my goal!

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