I’m trying not to sweat the small stuff, but we are in the midst of the scheduled brownout now and I’m sweating like a motherfucker as I sit down to write this post. Y’all are the only fans I have at the moment!
While not completely resolved, the traffic situation I mentioned in yesterday’s post has at least improved quite a bit. I was able to get to Royal for my groceries without much trouble. Getting off the base to the highway going home, there was a back-up in traffic, but only about a fifteen-minute delay, not the hours folks experienced earlier in the week.

My appointment with Dr. Jo went well. We discussed the dosage of some meds I’m taking because they aren’t as effective at the lower levels I’ve been trying. She agreed to a brief two-week increase to try and clear my sinuses. Still, she reiterated that the problem would persist until I submitted to the necessary surgery to remove the nodules in my nose. She understands my reluctance to undergo general anesthesia with my COPD but reassured me with a quality anesthesiologist, I would be fine. Dr. Jo will assist me in finding a good doctor and said she’d stand by during my surgery if needed. So, that’s the way ahead.
And now for the big news. After my appointment, I walked to Alley Cats bar. It was just a little after three in the afternoon, and I was the only customer at that early hour. The girls were surprised to see me, but the shocked look on their faces when I pulled out my darts was priceless. Yes, it has been over a year since I retired in June 2022, and yesterday was the first time I’d thrown since then. Suffice it to say the time away did not improve my game. The gals asked if I was resuming my darting life, and I told them that was not my intention. Troy talked me into filling in for an absent player on his team in today’s Dart League match. I guess I’m better than a forfeit. So, I’ll be throwing in a competition this afternoon at the VFW. The Alley Cats crew asked me to stay for the Tuesday tourney, but getting beat in practice games was all my pride could handle. I do plan to install my dart board after I move, so hopefully, I’ll be motivated to start practicing at home again. Stay tuned.

After my darts excursion, I had dinner at Sit-n-Bull, then hung out at Wet Spot until it was time to go home. I had a “buy one, get one” coupon, and I really did try to make it have some value. But Aine plopped down next to me as soon as I took my seat, so any potential savings were devoured in lady drink commissions.

And that was how I spent my Tuesday. Well, goading my lefty Facebook friends was part of the fun:

And speaking of dumb:

Completed the lease process with my landlord this morning. Well, I still need to transfer 308,000 pesos ($5000+) to her bank account, but I’ll get that done soon.

So, dart league, and then I will stumble over to Hideaway to feed the girls. I reckon it will be an early night since I’m starting before 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. Even if I take up darts again, I will not be playing in the league. It just doesn’t fit into my 4-8 drinking window.

Good to know the traffic’s clearing up. Good luck with darts since you seem to be dipping a toe back into that pond. Here’s hoping you do practice at home. And congratulations on getting most of your lease work done.
I guess payment is the final bit of icing on that cake. Is that money you’ll ever see again, or is it permanently gone? If I want a nice apartment in Korea, I can pay a jeonse/전세 of around a million bucks (yes, a million bucks), which is like a down payment (but it’s often called “key money” here), but when I leave the apartment, I get that million bucks back. Meanwhile, the building owner earns interest off my jeonse.
re: nasal polyps
Glad to see you’re now on track to do something significant about them polyps. Imagine how glorious life will be on the other side of that operation. Any indication as to healing time after the procedure is done? And are you allowed to do simple things like blow your nose once you’re out of surgery? Oh, and here’s a question I know you won’t ask: can the docs plop your polyps in a bottle of formaldehyde to present you as a souvenir? I already know the answer is no: when I had my wisdom tooth pulled years ago, I asked the dentist about whether I could keep the tooth, and she said the tooth, once extracted, was technically medical waste and thus a biohazard. Her institution was quite inflexible on that point.
Happy girl-feeding and have fun enduring your power outages in the tropical heat.
“Y’all are the only fans I have at the moment”. That may be true McCrarey but this fan will not be blowing anything.
The brownouts and blackouts are a blessing in disguise. Saving you money on the electric bill. More for San Mig Light.
As I understand it, the former Subic Naval Base is where you do your shopping at Royal supermarket. What ever became of Clark AFB?
That’s a pretty snazzy Koozie John. Or is it Gwapo?
Peace Out!
They have something similar to jeonse here; I just can’t remember the word for it now. What I’m doing isn’t that, though. I’ve just paid my rent in advance, so I won’t get any of that money back. But I won’t have to pay rent again for a year, so there’s that.
Nope, I’m not interested in saving my polyps; I’m not expecting Hanibal Lecter as a dinner guest. I did have a tooth pulled here once, and the dentist gave it to me without my even asking. The tooth fairy still hasn’t collected it from under my pillow…
“but this fan will not be blowing anything”
See how you are? Be that way! Up to you. (Those are three standard phrases you hear when you piss off a Filipina).
Clark, like the old Navy base, is now an economic freeport zone, and is booming with development–factories, high rose condos, hotels, restaurants, and a big airport. They are both independently administered without local government involvement, which might explain their success.