…with a side of water, please.
So, I attended the Angeles City Corona Hash outstation run yesterday out on the far side of Subic town. It turned out to be a bit of a fiasco but overall it was a good day. We encountered heavy rain on trail and the Hares got lost but otherwise no complaints. The rain did mostly stop by the time the circle commenced, so there was that to be thankful for.
Speaking of rain, it’s pouring down again this morning. Looks like our Subic anniversary Hash is going to be a messy one later today. Power went out a couple of hours ago, I saw the sparks flying down the street so it is probably a blown transformer. Not sure how long that will take to fix. I’m operating on battery power and my phone wifi hotspot for now. I reckon I better get these photos posted while I’ve still got juice.

In fact, after the first crossing, Scott and I said “fuck this” and set about finding a different path.

So, I learned that the Corona Hash was formed because the leaders of the Angeles City Hash refused to reconvene until such time as this COVID hysteria has passed. So a group of like-minded members broke away and formed a new Hash group. I think with that context the shirt seems to be a subtle dig at their AC brethren.

Today’s run should be interesting. Guenter is one of the Hares along with Simon. One long trail of 8K and one shorter version at 5K. Both require us to be trucked out to the starting point. That will be a miserable ride if the rain continues. Oh well, I’ll just suck it up and make the best of it I suppose.
I’ll let you know how it went tomorrow. Stay tuned!
–Joyce Kilmer
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
I might go nuts if I lived in a place with so much rain and so many power outages. Egads.
Am assuming the 8K is Guenter’s, and the 5K is not.
Well, the rainy season is a pain in the ass sometimes, but this too shall end. Given the shoddy construction of the powerlines were are probably lucky to not have even more frequent outages, especially when it gets windy. I will say the power company has been pretty prompt with restoring service.
The 5K was just a shorter version of the 8K. The people doing the long trail were passing me before I finished the short trail.