Club footed

And the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.

We only had four in attendance for the Wednesday Walkers group yesterday, so Scott volunteered to drive us out to the Cawag barangay in Subic so we could do a hike in and around Club Morocco. We only make it out this way once a year, so it was nice to take in the unique views this area offers once again. As I mentioned in last year’s post about Club Morocco, the subdivision was developed by the same company as Alta Vista but is twice the size. Most of the lots have not been built on, which gives an apocalyptic feel to the empty streets. Great area for hiking, though. I’ve got lots of photos from the adventure I’ll share at the end of this post.

The feeding at Hideaway Bar last night went well, with fried chicken and brownies for the girls.

Chicken Joy

And an unusually good time at the bar too. The only other customer and I alternated picking songs to be played on the big screen, and we both seemed to enjoy each other’s selections. I upped the ante by playing a classic Marty Robbins tune I first listened to as a child sitting at my father’s feet while he drank beer and played records after work. As I sang along, I laughed inwardly at the relevance of the lyrics to my current life:

Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl
Nighttime would find me in Rosa's cantina
Music would play and Felina would whirl

Blacker than night were the eyes of Felina
Wicked and evil while casting a spell
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden
I was in love but in vain, I could tell

One night a wild young cowboy came in
Wild as the West Texas wind
Dashing and daring, a drink he was sharing
With wicked Felina, the girl that I loved

Well, I haven’t gotten in a gunfight over a girl here. Yet. Anyway, it was fun. I had a couple more beers in Green Room later, then finished my night at Snackbar.

And that brings me to my big news. I have a dinner date tonight. I’m going to take her to Hops and Brews, the new place in town I recently reviewed. It was kind of funny because after confirming the dinner plans, she told me this was the first time someone had asked her to dinner as a date. So, in that sense, I guess I’ll be dining with a virgin. She does have two kids, though.

Is anyone surprised that it’s my hiking buddy, Lydell?
Coincidentally, this popped up in my Facebook memories today. I have no expectations with Lydell, and maybe that’s a good thing. She’s nice company, and being alone all the time gets old.

Well, I guess I’m never really alone. There’s always beer.

It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle at my age.

I saw this today, and all I could think was, “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”

If I use big words here at LTG, I usually misspell them. Like punchuation.

Alright, enough of this nonsense. Let’s get to those hiking pictures (a group effort with Scott and Lydell):

An 8K jaunt that was harder than I remembered. Lots of long road ups, which somehow feel worse than going up dirt trails.
Our group shot.
And we are off!
We walked past the Keppel shipyard.
Ain’t she sweet?
The beach.
A beach resort that appears not to have survived the scamdemic.
A nice bay view
Walking through a fishing village
At Club Morocco. I would enjoy living here if it weren’t so damn isolated.
Back on the beach
Literally living on the water.
This was low tide too. It must be tough not getting wet feet when the tide is high.
Even so, there is a charm about these places.
Where’s the beach? Oh, taking the photograph.
Last year when the water was up, we were wading across here. Yesterday we were walking through mud.
We did have one off-road hill climb. Short but steep.
Pretty much straight up, but the locals had cut steps into the dirt incline, which made it much easier going.
Hello there, cutie pie.
Back on the pavement.
The view from up here
Rollin’ on the empty streets of Club Morocco
Yeah, we went there. Up and over.
A view deck, you say? Let’s have a look.
What do you see, Martin?
Ah, okay. Nice!
And there’s our car up ahead, right where we left it.

It was a nice change of pace and, while not as easy as it appears, quite enjoyable.

Hopefully, I can say the same thing about my dinner date tonight. See you here tomorrow!

They don’t write ’em like that anymore.

3 thoughts on “Club footed

  1. Nice walk! Good luck with the dinner date.

    In Korean, a “view deck” is a jeonmangdae. A “dae” is usually some sort of raised area or platform. “Jeon mang” is a view.

    Is Club Morocco abandoned?

  2. No, Club Morocco is still a going concern. The community center is open and is bigger and much nicer than the one we have in Alta Vista. It has a great big pool with a water slide too. I understand there are rooms available there, so it serves as a resort as well. It looks abandoned because it seems only 10% or so of the lots have been built on. I didn’t see any construction going on either. Hell, I’ve got 5 houses being built all around me right now. It’s deafening.

  3. Man, those people living ON the water must have some pretty steep homeowner insurance premiums. Peace Out!

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