…on another meaningless weekend. Hell, when you are retired even the word “weekend” is meaningless. Here’s are some scenes from my Sunday:
I got bored sitting around the house waiting for beer o’clock to roll around. At 3:00 p.m. I finally convinced myself that since it was Sunday it was perfectly acceptable to start a little early. How could I argue with logic like that? My original intent had been to start at the nearest bar to my house (not owned by my ex) and go from there. So, that would make Queen Victoria my first stop. But as I neared that venue I listened to the other voice in my head saying it was still too early and kept on walking. I figured the extra steps wouldn’t hurt anyway (I wound up with 18,000 for the day).
On the other side of town I reached John’s place and decided, what the hell, it’s a restaurant after all. More sound logic from a thirsty soul. Of course, I proceeded directly to the third-floor bar and plopped down on my usual seat overlooking the highway below. There was a pool league match taking place and I was surprised to see one of the female Hashers I know playing. It was nice to see a familiar face. The beer was cold and wet and I took in the view as I drank.

I found a break in the traffic and scurried across the highway, then made my way to Cheap Charlies.

After a couple of more beers, I decided to head on down the highway. There is a new bar called Sloppy Joe’s I wanted to check out. It’s tiny but has a nice outdoor seating area. Alas, the outside space was insufficient for me to comfortably join the other patrons already ensconced there. Another time, perhaps. I wound up ending my evening at the bar where I intended to begin–Queen Victoria.
The birthday girl I had met last Wednesday during dart league was there and seemed happy to see me. She goes by “Tin-Tin” in the bar, and without the distraction of darts, I got to know her a little better. Of course, I told her upfront that 21 was way too young for me. That didn’t seem to deter her at all. She was quite the touchy-feely type, which is fine, but I prefer it somewhere other than in public. After two beers, it was just past nine, which as you probably know, is my quitting time. As I was paying my tab, Tin-Tin came up with keys in hand offering me a ride home. Hmm. Well, I know she rides a scooter and I could tell she had been drinking, and I also suspected what she might have in mind at my place, so I thanked her and declined. I may be a fool but I ain’t stupid. Or at least I wasn’t this time.
And that was my Sunday evening entertainment. This is Hash Monday, so I have mostly been lazing around and surfing the ‘net all morning. Well, I did get an email from Google saying I was nearing maximum storage capacity and giving me the option to buy more space or delete some old emails and photos. I took the delete option, but I did look at some things to make sure I really didn’t want them. Glad I did because I found some pics from my first ever trip to the Philippines back in July 2008.
It was the day of the pool party I held with the bar girls I had met from Alaska Club in Angeles City. Hmm, looking up that link I see that most of the photos I “rescued” this morning I have posted on the blog. That post was written in 2017. What’s odd is that I didn’t do a blog post at the time of the visit in 2008. I’m guessing I was either still technically married to wife #3 or didn’t want my employer to know I was cavorting with prostitutes. Or both! Anyway, you can see the photos and the story of what led to the pool party at the link above. Here are some teasers:

You know, sometimes I wish I could go back in time. Even if I couldn’t change a thing. I’d just like to re-experience memories like these from the perspective of knowing I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have at the time. I’m actually trying to do that in the present as well. When I start feeling down or disappointed, I remind myself that someday I’ll look back and this time of my life will seem wonderful. Enjoy it while you can!
18K steps is, for me, a little less than 3 hours’ walking. Good to know you got your steps in.
Wise of you not to take that ride home. (And by “ride,” I merely mean the moped ride, of course.)
Good on you 👏
Unfortunately your small town and small world means that former lovers and hearbreaks can be like a scab.
I’m of the strong opinion that you should take a trip somewhere soon. Maybe for a little while. You’re starting to sound a little bored 😴 and/or jaded with your retirement.
And the benefit of your writing ✍ here is that you don’t have to rely on your faulty memory like the rest of us, you can just go back to read your recollections of certain events 😀
I was excited to see that in recent weeks you had a veritable charcuterie of options for the companionship you seek. As it inevitably turned out that no particular individual could possibly possess the quirks you desire, I was hoping that you’d go back to just being the jovial fella with high lady drinks bar tab and grateful smiles 😃 swooning over you.
Gotta say, something broke 💔 I may even call it a heartbreak.
But I digress.
Take a break
Take a vacation from your vacation
If anything I’ve written makes sense 💯 🤷 I trust that Kevin will put it in words in the proper English sentences that works 💪
I think I may have asked you before why it is that you don’t seem to have male friends 🤔 Maybe your answer was something like ” They’re married 🤔 and too busy…or they live boring lives on a tight leash. Anyway, I wanna read a sentence like ” today I made plans to meet Bill at the park to play catch “. Your usual is ” I was sitting down on a barstool when I noticed that my friend Billy was there too. We exchanged pleasantries and then continued drinking away our sorrows apart , but the waitresses were cute so we were not bored. ”
If you don’t discuss politics and marriages, I am sure you could have a great time just talking with Bill. Don’t worry about the waitresses, they’ll still earn their drink commissions
We’re all rooting for you…
All your readers pray and wish you the best 👌
James, thanks for this thoughtful comment, I appreciate your sharing your viewpoints with me and it does give me some things to think about. We should get together for a beer soon! 🙂
Yeah, it is a small town full of gossip and misperceptions, that’s for sure. I’m still surprised when I’m the subject for no apparent reason. Someone told me the other day they heard I was suicidal over the breakup with my ex. Nothing could be further from the truth. People just make shit up about you and I really don’t understand the motivation.
Yes, I need a vacation. I’m thinking about some options now. Without the jab, I am somewhat limited in where I can go. I can’t take an extended trip until dart league is over in June though.
As to my apparent lack of male friends, you are right that I don’t really have a drinking buddy. On the personality matrix, I’m rated as an introvert. Not extreme, but I’m also not one to initiate meetups. If someone wants to join me, that’s fine. But drinking alone (or with the bargirls) doesn’t bother me either.
Thanks again for your support! I really do appreciate having readers who are looking out for me.