Things rarely go as planned I suppose. I certainly envisioned a life different than than the one I’m living. But there’s nothing wrong with this one either. It is what it is.
Got up and went through my morning routines and rituals, including a two hour walk.

Got home, showered up, then had my driver Donny carry me out to Harbor Point mall on the old Navy base to do some shopping. But the first order of business upon arrival was getting some lunch on.

Then it was time to hit the bricks, well tiles as it were, and get some things done. That’s not always an easy trick here in the Philippines.
First up was the drug store for a refill of my Albuterol inhaler. Started at one of the big chains, Watson’s. No dice, they suggested I try Mercury Drugs at the other end of the mall. They also didn’t carry it and the pharmacist suggested I consult a doctor for alternatives available in the PI. And so I will. Not critically short yet, but I’ve been experiencing more frequent coughing spells lately and I don’t want to find myself out in the wilds unable to breathe someday.
I also need a replacement for my watch band. None were for sale in Harbor Point (they do come included with a new watch, which of course I don’t need). Oh well.
Then I went looking for a new screen protector for my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge phone. “Sorry sir, none available for that model”. Well, it just so happens that I have one with me, can you install it for me? “Sorry sir, not allowed.” Okay then.
I next went off to find a new printer/scanner as the one I brought with me has ceased to function properly. And miracle of miracles I found a store that sells them and also had one I liked it stock! So I made the purchase and felt that at least my journey was not a complete bust.
I had brought Marissa along with me and she astutely noted that Harbor Point mall sucks. She said we should have gone to SM Olongapo mall instead. Well yeah, and it is practically next door. Texted my driver and we were off to SM.
First stop was a phone accessory shop but after a frantic search they also could not find an S7 Edge screen saver in stock. I pulled mine out and asked if they’d install that for me. “Sure, no problem sir.” 150 pesos later I was a happy camper with a phone that looks brand new. Woot!

Then we found a shop that sold watch bands. But only leather ones. Which the gal said she could “cut” to fit my my watch.

And finally I insisted on buying Marissa a Christmas present. She was shy about accepting but I know she needs a new television. So I found a nice little smart TV that will be a good fit for her crappy apartment. Marissa thought $250 was too much but it seemed like a good deal to me so I made the purchase. It even came with a free digital antenna, whatever that is.
And then it was back to Barretto. I reckon I will finish the day with some darts and beers. Who says there’s no excitement in my life?
I used to like little shopping trips to malls. Unfortunately to many places want to sell something you don’t need and don’t want.
AND disgusted with tattooed, nose ringed, navel pierced people of questionable sex and thugs with their pants around their knees that I try not to share space with. Shopping with you may be more entertaining.
Haha. Well, most of the malls in the USA seem to be half empty these days or closed up all together. Here mall shopping is still a big deal. Kind of a family gathering event. Of course, the aircon is free so that’s a big draw I suppose.