
Greetings from the Philippines. Yesterday I ventured out with the Sausage Walkers for the first time in quite awhile. I was ready to see something new on my hike and I wasn’t disappointed with our journey to Castillejos. I’ll let the photos do most of the talking.

The meetup was at our usual gathering place, Angel’s German Bakery. From there we took a 20 minute Jeepney ride to the drop-off point for our hike in Barangay Balaybay.
Just a little rain when we first started out and then it was clear sailing, er, walking there on out.
Up we go!
Not a bad trail, but it did get slick in places. I had one crash where my feet slid off a muddy path and over the edge. Luckily, it was only a two-foot drop-off. That’s kind of my nightmare, taking an inadvertent dive over the cliff…
Troy and his gal Ailyn enjoying their time in the wild.
Scott leading the way…
There was one small creek crossing to deal with….
Not as easy as it looks because the ground was soaked and muddy all around the running water…
Me? I just said fuck it and waded across…
Let’s get out of here…
This place was a pigsty…
Complete with open air toilet…
Jesus saves!
On the trail…
I enjoyed some new vistas….
I guess to outsiders the scenery all looks the same…
But it was different enough from Barretto to be interesting….
This is where rice comes from…
One of the best views of the day…
Ain’t they sweet?
As we walked back in to Castillejos, I spied this sign advertising training for Filipinos who desire to work in Korea…
One of the Sausage Walker traditions is to enjoy a picnic lunch on the trail. We changed it up a bit yesterday by dropping into a local watering hole.
Our gracious hosts at Roadhouse. The light-haired green-eyed girl showed me the photo on the wall of her American father and Filipina mother. Sweet!
An 8K walk was just about right…

Just another day in paradise.

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