A little lazy lockdown Sunday potpourri. I’m not kidding about the lazy part, I’ve been sitting on my ass all day playing solitaire on the computer. I did achieve Card Shark level, however, so I guess that’s an accomplishment of sorts.

I had a big surprise when I saw my old buddy Jeremy Frye was posting on Facebook again. He’s the one who got convicted in the death of a Korean he had a bar brawl with. I guess he got released a few months early from his six-year sentence and he’s currently staying with his parents back in Florida. I’ve not had a chance to chat with him yet, but I did leave a comment that he ought to write a book about his experience. He responded: “Of course. It also doubles as my autobiography, which doubles as a self-help book. It’s called “Lessons I Learned the Hard Way”. Hmm, that may be sarcasm. He does appear to be somewhat embittered, but I guess that’s to be expected. He still believes he was wrongfully convicted:
I’m putting this video on Facebook so that my family and friends in America will be better able to understand what happened as I explain the area, environment, scene, etc. This is not for any other reason, but it should be noted that the “victim’s” friends who were at the hospital giving accounts of what happened werent actually at the scene. On top of that, even though the reporter was standing in front of the police station, the detectives kicked him out without giving him any information, which should help everyone to understand that this KBS news segment had very little actual facts.You know… I know that many people are disgusted with me for having “punched a man to death”, but in reading the news articles, comments, and other case-related crap, I”ve realized (what I had already known), that nobody on the outside ever knew what really happened. I had begun a complete dissection of the case and was going to post videos to expose the corruption using the court records that the prosecutors tried to keep from me, but I think that I’m going to save myself tons of hours of work and money simply by posting the autopsy photo so that everyone can see clearly that it was impossible for a fist to create the blunt-force trauma, especially from three punches.
I don’t think he posted that photo, but here’s the KBS video he mentions. Welcome home, Jeremy!
And I also was reminded of the three year anniversary of the passing of this little guy:

Well, that’s enough sad shit for one day, don’t you think? Last night was pretty satisfying:

After finishing darts at Alley Cats, I went across the street to my beachside bar:

Hotels are allowed to serve their guests on lockdown Sundays. And I got invited to be a guest by the manager. Woot! Just might take her up on that offer in a bit. If I can break away for my perch in front of the computer.
What else have I got for you? Well, this is both true and funny:

Speaking of the 1940s, I found this on the internet and it purports to be the real thing. I have my doubts, but maybe I should get me one:

Anyway, I’m maintaining positive thoughts and I remain hopeful that my chosen path will lead to happiness. Whatever that may be.

Think I will shower up and defy the lockdown for a bit. I hope my next post isn’t from jail!