Candy is dandy and liquor is quicker

Another day, another Christmas. Here’s what you missed:

Christmas dinner on the grill
The view from the grilling area
Dinner on the plate
Aunt Pat’s fruit salad for dessert

And Facebook sent me a memory from Christmas ten years ago.

A lifetime ago. House in South Carolina, wife, family and friends, and no clue that it would all come crashing down two years later. Such is life, but it still hurts to think about it.

But, on a brighter note, I had the Hash Candy Run to attend.

Forty-eight Hashers in attendance.
Led by Santa Claus (aka 18 Kilo Ass)
Let’s roll!
Luckily this wasn’t an arresting development, just a meet and greet.
Where’s the kids? That’s my Hash shirt from my Korea days with the Humphreys Hangover Hash House Harriers.
Here comes Santa Claus, but that’s not Santa Claus lane.
Santa at work
Making Christmas a little sweeter for the locals.
Down by the water
On the streets of Matain
Mr. Popularity
But even the Elves have some fans.
It was the hottest Christmas I can remember yesterday.
It’s all about the children.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
We handed out a shitload of candy during our trek.
A villiage in Calapacuan
A couple “girls” with something extra.
The candyman can!
Heading for San Isidro
Easter on Christmas
A lovely flower
The stakes are high. I hope no one takes a fence!
And still on we walk.
Candy brings smiles. Ain’t that sweet?
Heading On-Home
Hash Gash
Hares on the ice!
I asked Swan how she liked the Hash. She said, “I enjoyed handing out candy.” It was a long, hot slog for her, and I don’t think the Hash songs fit with her conservative nature.
The After-Hash gathering at It Doesn’t Matter.

There was also a Hash on Christmas Day back in 1995.

We seem rather tame by comparison.
Yesterday’s full trail was a little over 8K.

Anyway, it was something different and an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon. The cold beers at the end were especially refreshing.

So, here’s a parting gift before I go.

You must have saw that coming!

I’m not hearing any complaints.

Okay, I’ll stop now.

Champagne don't drive me crazy
Cocaine don't make me lazy
Ain't nobody's business but my own

Candy is dandy and liquor is quicker
You can drink all the liquor down at Costa Rica
Ain't nobody's business but your own
This song came to mind for the first time in years when I was thinking of a title for this post. It also brought back the memory of seeing Taj Mahal live at a small club in Huntington Beach, California called The Golden Bear. That must have been 1975 or so.

4 thoughts on “Candy is dandy and liquor is quicker

  1. Looks to have been a successful candy run and grilled dinner. Santa knew to dress for the weather. Wise.

  2. Not a bad view from the grilling outpost. What is that mountain or ridgeline in the far distance?

    Aunt Pat’s salad. Every year at the holiday McCrarey has the Aunt Pat salad and that’s how I know it’s super -delicious.

    The Walrus and Jee Yeun. I actually remember when you originally posted that photo. A number of moons ago. I do remember Jee Yeun having nice legs as well just like your current main squeeze.

    “Such is life, but it still hurts to think about it”. I’m not a big country fan but there are a few country songs from a few country artists that resonate with me. One of them is a song called The Dance. I leave you with this McCrarey(get your tissue box).

    “Looking back
    On the memory of
    The dance we shared
    ‘Neath the stars above

    For a moment
    All the world was right
    But how could I have known
    That you’d ever say goodbye

    And now I’m glad i didn’t know
    The way it all would end
    The way it all would go

    Our lives are better left to chance
    I could have missed the pain
    But I’d have to miss the dance”.

    Have to go McCrarey, I was peeling onions and I’m tearing up.

    Peace Out!

  3. Yep, one of my favorite Garth Brooks tunes. It hurts that it resonates so much.

    That is what we call Black Rock Ridge. I’m not sure what the official name might be.

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