Best laid plans….

I had actually intended to entitle this post “Good intentions gone wrong” but apparently I have used that already on another long-forgotten post. Is this getting to be a trend? I did have a post in mind for yesterday about the UN scandal. Was going to call it UNforgivable. The corruption at the UN is almost legendary these days, but for Kofi to claim he was exonerated and for our diligent media to perpetuate this lie, seemed worthy of comment. Since I didn’t get around to it, I hope you will go read Roger L. Simon’s take here. He has been a major driver in keeping the oil-for-food fiasco on the radar screen. I’m actually torn. I don’t know which scandal sickens me most, the stealing of money from the people of Iraq or the epidemic of UN personnel using the children of Africa as their sex toys. It is time for either a major house cleaning at the UN or better yet, a dismantling.

Instead of doing my duty and posting yesterday, I goofed off. Except at work. Busy day and it looks like it is going to stay that way for awhile. I don’t know when, how, or if this disagreement between the USA and ROK on funding support for USFK will be resolved. I guess my position is you get what you pay for. So, if ROK does not want to pony up the dough to keep things as they are, we will downsize to fit their pocketbook. As a COL mentioned yesterday, they should take a look at the price of a carrier battle group then they would see what a bargain they are getting. Right now we appear to have a Mexican stand-off between the two governments. It is just a matter of who blinks first I guess. But I have no doubt that these reductions are not an idle threat.

Anyway, I didn’t post yesterday morning because I slept a little late. I had taken a two hour hike along the Han river on an absolutely gorgeous Sunday afternoon. Guess my body said “whoa dude, I ain’t getting up now so you can go post on the UN.” Figured I would do my posting last night, but instead I watched Lonesome Dove. I’ve seen it several times over the years, but I guess I was just in the mood for something totally American. It did the trick.

Tomorrow I hope to carry my camera to work and photoblog my commute on foot. I saw some signs of spring yesterday, and it is going be cherry blossom season in a couple of weeks from the looks of things. I’m told springtime is the best time in the ROK and I am so looking forward to it.

So that’s my story this morning. Time to get ready for work. And I am back to my Korean lessons tonight. I really need to buckle down and practice, practice, practice. I have no illusions about speaking fluently, but damn I would love to understand what is being said when Koreans look at me and laugh…..

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