So, here we go with the first bar in the “Bars of Barretto” series. Redz is located the furthest distance from where I live–2,393 steps away, around a 30-minute walk. That’s one of the reasons I’m almost never patronizing Redz–too many distractions between here and there. In fact, this visit was the first since the pandemic bullshit first started. Back then the bar was called Red Baron. I don’t know if ownership changed or just the name. I wasn’t really a fan of Red Baron either. When I’d venture all the way out to the Arizona Resort it was to visit the floating bar. Now that I think about it, I most frequently drank in this bar when I was a tourist staying at Arizona. Back then it was called Score bar and it was a fun hangout. I mentioned it in my trip report here from September 2016.

My, how times have changed. I’m not sure what I was expecting to find at Redz, but those vibes from happier days were nowhere to be found. I was a little surprised to be greeted by name when I first entered. Turns out the bartender (I can’t remember her name) used to be a waitress on the floating bar back in those carefree times. There’s always a familiar face to be found in my little town it seems. We chatted briefly and she introduced me to her cute little assistant working behind the bar. I snapped this picture of the pool table area:

I wanted to get more photos, including the gals behind the bar but was told photography is not allowed. You know, I understand that posting photos on social media of violations of COVID protocols can be a problem, but the bar was practically empty and no such violations were taking place. So not being able to document my visit was a bit of a buzz killer.
I’m not exactly sure how I would characterize the type of bar this is. They call it a pub, so I guess that’s the genre they are going for. But a room full of bargirls also suggests they are striving for girly bar status. This seemed to be confirmed when the bartender suggested I buy her assistant a lady drink. I declined to do so, pointing out that if I’m not even allowed to take a picture I didn’t see the point in buying her a drink.
I looked at my drink chit and saw that my beer was 110 pesos ($2.20) which is among the most expensive bars in town. I’d say the average price of a beer in Barretto is 80 pesos, and I’ve seen it as cheap as 65. Given the chilly atmosphere (especially after I declined to buy a lady drink) I decided to make this a one beer and out visit.
Sorry there is not something meatier to share in this first bar report. Suffice to say, I found nothing at Redz that would warrant a return visit anytime soon.
Redz sounds like a loser place. I can see why you don’t frequent it.
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