I really don’t know why I don’t visit BarCelona more often. It’s the type of place I gravitate to; open-air, nice views and a neighborhood bar feel about it. The infrequency of my visits was made clear when all of the waitresses who served me had to ask my name. Ah well, you can’t be a regular in EVERY bar in town, although lord knows I’m trying! Truth be told, I used to come here more often but had a couple of service-related issues that were off-putting. They were long ago now and I doubt the staff involved are still working now. Time to forgive and forget because I really enjoy the ambiance of this place.

I enjoyed my brief visit to BarCelona and I’m going to make it a point to be a more frequent visitor in the futre. It’s high time everyone knows my name here. Cheers!
The rankings:
- It Doesn’t Matter
- Cheap Charlies
- Mango’s Beach Bar
- Alley Cats
- Wet Spot
- BarCelona
- Adam’s
- Blue Butterfly
- Out Back Billabong
- Dynamite Dick’s
- Palm Tree
- Hideaway
- Hot Zone
- Alaska Club
- Thumbstar
- Bottoms Up
- Rosies
- Rock Lobster
- Queen Victoria
- Voodoo
- Annex
- MacArthur’s
- Redz Pub
- Whiskey Girl
- Finger Monkey
Guess I missed the “How To” for a password.
Jerry, send me an email to lngtimegne@aol.com
Just a few old posts have been password protected. I don’t intend to make it the norm around here.
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