The crazy rain continues to fall, night and day, with only brief interludes to sucker you outside to be dumped on.

Anyway, life goes on, rain or shine. I had business to attend to at Hideaway, so I ventured out in the wetness to do my Wednesday feeding.

There was some let-up in the rainfall, so I left the house a little earlier than normal to take advantage. For whatever good it did me. It did get me drinking sooner than I like, but what else can you do in stormy weather?
I stuck it out at Hideaway until around six, then made my way to Cheap Charlies. Jim was there, so I sat with him. Of course, Alma and Nerissa were there, wanting their thirst quenched, and I obliged them. A few beers later, Jim invited me to join him at Voodoo, and off we went. I hadn’t visited Voodoo in quite a while, and Josie was happy to see me again. Jim was meeting Troy later for a barhop, but I declined to participate. I was near my beer intake limit and was down to my last 1000 pesos. That’s one benefit of limiting the amount of money I carry when I go out–it saves me from making alcohol-induced bad judgments. Saw Jim and Troy walking as I rode the trike home and called out, “Fuck off, ya cunts!” as I passed by. Yep, going home early was the right decision.
Early to bed (8:30) and earlier to rise (3:30). That’s the way this old fart rolls these days. Rain and thunder with my morning coffee, but I stuck to my routines.

After coffee, the rain let up some, and I decided to get some steps in with a neighborhood walk.

In other news, the water in the house isn’t working. I sent my helper Teri to find out why, and she reported they shut it off for non-payment of the bill. WTF? I never got a bill, and I check the mailbox every morning. They also told Teri we owed 3700 pesos. That’s insane. The water bill is never more than 500 pesos, and we paid it last month. This is some kind of weird scam, but there is nothing I can do but pay if I want to be able to shower and flush the toilet. Fuckers.
In better news, one of my blog readers sent me a link to, a site where I can watch “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” for free. I’ve got it queued up and ready to start watching this afternoon. Thanks again, Nate!
You don’t see many Lord of the Rings memes these days, but this one earned a Tolkien of my appreciation:

I’m a pun and a dad joke kind of guy, but there is always room for sarcasm:

That’s it for this rainy day. I feel duty-bound to check on the Bars of Barretto to ensure they are weathering the storm and donate some cash (in exchange for beers) to help them through these troubled times. I’ll let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Early to bed (8:30) and earlier to rise (3:30).
I can’t even begin to imagine such a schedule, but it’s close to that of the monks here in Korea: about 9:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. for sleep. I’m proud when I get up at 5 a.m. during my trans-Korea walks.
Lots of rain down your way. We’re getting over our latest storm, which has passed east of us on its way to cuddle up with Japan. Gonna be an awesome weekend here, especially at night. Good luck weathering the weather.
“Weather” is an auto-antonym:
The stone was weathered (1) by the weather it weathered (2).
(1) eroded
(2) endured; lasted through
Kev, my sleep schedule has evolved into pretty much the opposite of what it was when I was a younger man. I’m used to it now, and it works out pretty well for me. I think the scamdemic curfews made my late nights a thing of the past once and for all. Sometimes I lament leaving the bars so early, but then again, I’ve gotten to where I can hit my “sweet spot” of inebriation pretty consistently by eight p.m. I’ve thought about starting my drinking later so I could stay out later (live music doesn’t usually begin until nine), but then I’d have to walk into town in the dark.
I’m not sure whether (ahem) I’d ever heard of an auto-antonym. Interesting reading; thanks for the link!
“Orange rainfall advisory”. Great, now the Leftists are blaming lousy weather on Trump (Orange Man) as well.
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Well, like Meatloaf said(RIP) two out of 3 aint bad.
Stand your ground McCrarey. Tell the water man to shove that bill where the sun don’t shine. Grab your ivory soap, shampoo and rubber ducky and head on down to the creek like the locals. That will show them.
Peace Out!
Let’s hope Prince doesn’t unleash any of his famous Purple Rain!
What? Are you saying I’m not wealthy?
Water is out again this morning, but this time it appears to be a problem with the pipes. Nothing like look for a plumber on a rainy Sunday morning. Hmm, maybe I don’t have to go to the creek, I’ll just shower in the front yard.