An island of treasure

Well, I live on Luzon Island, and my life here is a treasure (to me), so the title of this post is apt. I also spent my evening at Treasure Island Resort on Baloy Beach. My Saturday on the island began with a street stroll through Barretto. Swan joined me for the walk.

Leaving the ‘hood under the ever-watchful gaze of Easter Mountain
Adding some sweetness to the day
Grabbing some fresh fruits at this stand in the marketplace
Passing through Columban
We ended our trek at the Jewel Cafe with some take out

As mentioned above, we journeyed out to Treasure Island later in the afternoon. We had some unexpected afternoon rain, so there was a question as to whether there would be live music (it’s an outdoor venue). The rain stopped, and the band started about an hour late, so it all worked out in the end.

The view from our stools at Treasure Island
The view of us at Treasure Island
A view of the beach
And a view of the bay
Engine band
Engine band bassist

Then it was time to eat.

I went with the sweet and sour pork. It was okay.
Chicken cordon bleu for Swan. She had one bite of the potatoes and said, “These are from a box.” It is real or nothing for her.

Enjoyed some more music and then grabbed a trike for home, stopping at 7/11 for some ice cream cone treats to share with the guards. And another day came to an end.

Easy come, easy go:

  • Meat: 4600 pesos
  • Fruit and Veggies: 700 pesos
  • Lunch: 400 pesos
  • Trike: 250 pesos
  • Charity: 120 pesos
  • Snacks: 330 pesos
  • Dinner: 760 pesos
  • Tips: 150 pesos
  • Alcohol: 1160 pesos
  • Total for October 12: 8470 pesos

All I have from the Facebook memories is two quotes I posted twelve years ago:

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

–Mark Twain

I never forget a face, but in your case, I’d be glad to make an exception.

–Groucho Marx

I have no recollection as to why I posted them.

Today’s YouTube video is an island hop off Pundaquit. I’ve done that before, and it was quite nice. The Pundaquit/San Antonio area is somewhere I could consider living should things in Barretto ever go to crap. I doubt that’s going to happen in this lifetime, though.

Humor break:

Any which way but loose
Understanding is a transition
Been there, done that

A little shakeup in the Sunday routines today. We got the Candy Walk done, but dinner at John’s place has been supplanted by an invite to a party and Maksil’s house here in the neighborhood. I’m going to make an appearance at Hideaway and fund the feeding, but I won’t be sticking around for long because the party starts at four. Something different is always nice!

Styx and Stones may rock my bones, but you can’t breathe without Air Supply

5 thoughts on “An island of treasure

  1. We ended our trek at the Jewel Cafe with some [take-out]

    Now, isn’t that interesting: if this is from the same Google Maps imagery I saw yesterday, “Barretto” is now spelled with two “t”s in this image. We love Asian inconsistency! Too bad I can’t scroll rightward to see whether that’s “Barretto High School” or “Barreto High School.”

    I went with the sweet and sour pork. It was okay.

    Looks pretty soggy. There’s an art to keeping the breading crisp when you slather on the sauce. First, the breading should have a lot of cornstarch in it and should be pretty aggressively friend until it has a deep color. Korean tangsuyuk is basically sweet-and-sour pork, and a lot of restaurants, instead of improving their technique, have learned simply to serve the sauce on the side to preserve the crunch from kitchen to table. That one place I praised, the one in Daegu (here [scroll way down to the end] and here [crunchy and good, but not quite as crunchy as last time]), has mastered the art of keeping the breading crunchy despite the sauce. Despite that slightly disappointing second visit, I’d go back there again, but I’d specifically request that they make the dish super-crunchy as they’d done last year.

    Chicken cordon bleu for Swan. She had one bite of the potatoes and said, “These are from a box.” It is real or nothing for her.

    I respect her good taste. Personally, I’d eat such potatoes if they were served to me, but in the back of my mind, I’d be thinking the same thing. Did she eat them or reject them? What would John say if he found out a place had served boxed taters? Food snobs unite!

    Styx and Stones may rock my bones, but you can’t breathe without Air Supply

    I’ll consider that a shout-out to our previous exchange and thank you for the mention. Glad to see you’re not pissed off by Styx/Air Supply comparisons.

  2. You may already know this, but a lot of the most recognizable 70’s/80’s (and to a lesser extent, 90’s) power ballads were written by Jim Steinman. Most famous for his work with Meat Loaf, he had his hand in a number of hits for various artists.

    Paradise by the Dashboard lights
    Total Eclipse of the Heart
    Making Love out of Nothing At All
    Two Out of Three Aint Bad
    Its all Coming Back to Me Now
    Nowhere Fast

    If you are in a schmaltzy power ballad mood, you could do worse than set up a Jim Steinman penned playlist to listen to.

  3. Brian, I know most of those songs by the artists who covered them, didn’t know they were written by the same person. I’m bad about knowing the singer but not the creator. Thanks for the enlightenment!

  4. Kev, that map was from the “Map My Walk” app, and the spelling of Barretto High School was consistent. It is surprising that so many otherwise reliable sources can’t spell the name of my town correctly. Poor Mr. Barretto must be rolling over in his grave.

    Ah, I miss tangsuyuk! I love that crunchy flavor! There’s a new Korean restaurant on SBMA I’ve been meaning to try. I’ll see if they have it on the menu. Swan declined to eat the instant potatoes but did seem to enjoy the cordon bleu. Oddly enough, the Treasure Island owner came by to greet us and was bragging about his new chef. I guess mashing potatoes isn’t his specialty.

    I’m glad you got the reference I directed to you. I don’t think Air Supply sounds like Styx, but I enjoy both groups.

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