A recent comment from reader Brian was asking some questions about the subdivision where I reside, Alta Vista. The thought occurred to me that it might be interesting (to me) to document each street and every house within the confines of my gated, but not fenced, community. I’ll do this feature periodically and keep it separate from my regular posts. That way it will be easy to avoid the subject if you have no interest. Fair enough?
I’m guessing there are somewhere between 35 and 50 houses within Alta Vista, constructed on maybe a dozen named streets. I’m going to keep a tally so I’ll know for sure. I do know there are a lot more vacant lots than houses. Also, there is something of a housing boom now with several new residences under construction. Anyway, this will provide some incentive and motivation for me to get out in the afternoons for a little exercise. Weather permitting, of course.

Stay tuned for the next installment where I will traverse the street to the left of the house above and see what there is to see.
A tour of the neighborhood will be nice. Thanks.