Today’s big idea was to hike to the mall in Olongapo city. I got a couple of kilometers up the highway and thought better of it. For one thing, the traffic was heavy and that is nerve-wracking on those narrow shoulders. But the main thing that changed my mind was my stomach was not quite right. I felt the need to fart but I could tell there was reason to believe things would come out wrong. I shart when that happens.
So, I crossed the highway (I always walk facing traffic) and waited to flag down a Jeepney. And waited. With the new COVID capacity restrictions it seemed the first several that passed were full. I was about to give up when one finally pulled over. I had the required mask and face shield but smiled to myself when I saw the sign that passengers over 60 (and under 20) are not permitted. Well, I’m 55. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. No one asked though.
The Jeep dropped me at the Kalaklan gate to the old Navy base. I walked a click or so from there to the Harbor Point mall, arriving at ten minutes after ten. I was surprised to see people waiting to enter because the posted signage said the mall opens at 10:00. Not today it didn’t. I decided to continue on to the SM mall a bit further down the road. As I passed another entrance to Harbor Point they were just opening the doors for business. So I did the requisite temp check and filled out the contact tracing paperwork to gain access. What a pain in the ass.
Once inside I headed over to the Globe store to find out what was going on with my cellphone bill. I have an unlimited data plan and the cost is usually around 3500 pesos. They used to send me a message telling me when the bill was due and how much I owed. I haven’t heard anything this month, so I checked online. There it said I owed 4700 pesos for the July to August time frame. Bullshit, I paid my bill via credit card on August 25. I wanted to get that straightened out but when I arrived the store was closed for the 24th and 25th for unspecified reasons. Damn. They had a kiosk out front so I logged in and checked my account. It said my next payment wasn’t due until October 25 and that my previous payment was made on September 25. I guess the machine can see into the future or something. I speculate that they are going to automatically bill my credit card for this month’s payment. We’ll see, but at least it isn’t overdue.
It was pretty shocking to see what a ghost town Harbor Point mall has become with very few customers inside and many stores closed down–even McDonald’s was shut. I walked on through and then headed off base to the SM mall. There was a short line to get into the grocery store but I wanted full mall access. I went around to the front and there was a long line to get inside. Hmm, on a hunch I went back to the supermarket side and walked right in without even a temperature check. And yes, I could still get into the mall from there. I chuckled watching the dupes getting the standard temp check and questionnaire routine as I headed up the escalator.
My next stop was the eyeglasses store where I had purchased my frames and lenses. One of the pads that rests on your nose had fallen off and it made them rather uncomfortable to wear. They fixed them promptly and surprisingly told me “no charge”. I bought some lens cleanser spray (buy 1 get 1 free) and it came to 70 pesos. I handed the clerk a 100 and they were having a hard time coming up with the change. So, I grabbed two more bottles of cleanser and gave him 40 more pesos. Win-Win!
Next stop was the SM department store. I was hoping to find a replacement backpack for my hikes. Nothing physically wrong with my old one but it gets uncomfortable when I carry it around for a while. Kind of surprising because I usually only have a couple of bottles of water and cookies or candy inside. Anyway, what I wanted was one that has on the front that strap you can clip across your chest to take some of the weight off your shoulders. And I had the good fortune to find one. Although I had to wait ten minutes or so until someone could find the key to the stockroom. Yeah, I was shaking my head in disbelief thinking “only in the Philippines”.

With my purchase in hand and all errands completed, I exited the mall, crossed the street, and made my way down to an open McDonald’s. It has been a LONG time since I’ve had a Quarter Pounder and fries. It will likely be a long time before I do again. Not nearly as good as I remembered. Oh well. I was going to take a taxi home but called my driver to see if he wanted to earn the fare. He did, so I had a comfortable ride home. And thus ended today’s adventure.
But wait, there’s more! I had a hiking adventure yesterday to tell you about. A not too challenging 8K walk from my house to Hunter’s Jo Inn in Calapadayan with the Wednesday walking group. I’ll let the photos do most of the talking:

We had a couple of beers at Hunter Jo’s with the owner, Mark. Then he was kind enough to drive us back to the border of Barretto. It was a good day on a good trail!
Later that afternoon I dropped into Cheap Charlies and found myself to be the only customer surrounded by twelve thirsty waitresses. Damn, I actually felt sorry for their boredom and lack of earning potential. I talked to my regular waitress, Lovely, about giving each girl the equivalent of a drink commission (50 pesos). She kind of hesitated and then I asked whether their salary was contingent on meeting a daily drink quota. She nodded and so I bought all the girls a lady drink. I very rarely do that, but I was just in the mood for some reason. A friend of mine is building houses for the needy in Cambodia, I guess the $24.00 I paid was well spent in a small way. After all, I was in a place named after people like me.!
Let me close with just a small dose of politics, but kind of big news in its own way–after all these years I finally found myself agreeing with Hillary Clinton!

Speaking of the Supreme Court and filling vacancies, Ann Althouse had a pretty interesting, albeit scary, scenario whereby Obama becomes President again.
I invite Joe Biden to pledge to follow this pathway to putting Barack Obama back in the White House. By pledging, he may improve his chance of getting elected. Who knows? The Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dying Wish must come true. The vacancy on the Supreme Court must remain open. I won’t spend time on that step, because that’s what everyone’s already talking about. So let’s jump forward to the new things:
First, President Joe Biden nominates Vice President Kamala Harris for the Supreme Court. He pledged to pick a black woman. Pledge kept. Now, he has the distinction of choosing not only the first black woman for the Court but also the first Asian person.
The choice would also meet a long-discussed goal of putting someone with political experience on the Court. This is something Bill Clinton wanted to do. In reminiscing — just a few days ago — about his choice of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, he openly talked about his original preference for someone political (specifically Mario Cuomo). Trump has shown the same interest when he put Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton on his Supreme Court list.
When Harris is confirmed, she will resign from the vice presidency, which will give President Biden the power to appoint the new Vice President. He can pick Barack Obama. Then all Biden needs to do is resign. He’s feeling too elderly to serve. Oops! Thought I could do it, but turns out I’m getting weaker by the day. Whatever. Or don’t even surprise us. Tell us now that you’ll follow this path. Then, when you resign, you’ll just be doing what you promised, keeping your pledge.
And don’t tell me Barack Obama is term-limited. As Supreme Court nominees like to say, you read the text and you say what it means, not what you wish it would mean. Here’s the text of the 22nd Amendment: “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice….” There’s no point in this scheme where Barack Obama is elected to the office of the President more than twice. He’s appointed Vice President, and he assumes the presidency not by another election but by the resignation of President Biden.
Well, I’ve been on record for awhile now that the Dems will find some excuse to replace Biden prior to the actual election. But hey, this might actually work better for them.
I’m glad to be in the Philippines. I like my boring adventures just fine, thank you!
Your new backpack looks good! Not sure that the chest strap does much about taking pressure off your shoulders, though; that’s what a hip-belt assembly is for. Your pack looks to be too small to have a hip belt, though (or did I miss something?). I know what you mean about how, even if there’s very little weight in the pack, the pack can still cause aches and pains if you wear it long enough. I sympathize.
I also sympathize about the sharting thing. Walking is a simple, primitive, focused activity: life strips itself down to the bare essentials when all you’re doing is going from here to there, so of course your intestinal condition becomes much more of a concern. When you’re back in civilization, with all of its distractions, you don’t have the time or energy to think too much about your guts, but when you’re on the trail, what’s happening in your guts is of the gut-most importance! My most feared nightmare, when on the trail, is needing to take a massive dump and not having anyplace to do it because there are no trees or bushes to act as hiding places. There are stretches of the Four Rivers path that cut across flat, wide-open farmland where you’re exposed from all directions. I’d hate to get the urge to shit while out on one of those stretches.
Lady drinks for the ladies, and cookies for the villagers! You’re an all-year-round Santa!
No, it is a small pack but still bigger than I need. With the old one I’d put my thumbs under the straps when I walked (on flat ground anyway) and it did relieve the pressure on my shoulders. I’m hoping that chest strap does the same thing. We’ll find out today.
Yeah, I don’t like to poop in public, including public restrooms. Luckily, I’m pretty regular unless I’ve got something else going on. When I got to the mall yesterday I did use the toilet. Only to discover there was no toilet paper anywhere to be found. Heh, I guess that’s what underwear is for…
A basic rule of hiking in Korea or the PI, or even here in Hawaii. Always carry a roll of TP in the back pack.
Mark, NOW you tell me! It’s a good tip though and I’m going to take you up on it. Wouldn’t have helped yesterday because I didn’t carry my backpack with me to the mall.