If you think my grammar and punctuation are bad, you should have seen me doing math at darts last night.
I’m not the most accurate or consistent thrower, but I do pride myself on knowing my out shots. For you non-darters, the game of 501 requires that you finish with a double-out. So for example, if you have 32 left on the board, you would need a double 16 to win. But that’s the easy part. Setting yourself up to have an outshot requires some strategic thinking. Or at least the ability to do some simple subtraction.
So, last night my partner leaves me with a 91 out. The best way to throw a 91 out is to go triple 17 (51 points) and double 20 (40 points) for the win. Easier said than done of course. So I step up to the throw line brimming with confidence, aimed at that triple 17, and let my dart fly. Thunk. Single 3. So, with 89 left the preferred shot is triple 19, double 16. I threw a single 19, precluding any possible out with my remaining dart. Best you can do in that situation is to leave a good outshot for your partner’s next throw. I threw a single 18 leaving a 52.
Except the scorer said we had 51 remaining. I respectfully disagreed, having done the math in my head as I threw. She said “3 + 19 + 18 = 40. 40 from 91 leaves 51.” The scorer even illustrated her point by writing out what she was saying. How can that be? I mean, I couldn’t argue that the numbers didn’t equal 40, but I was quite certain that I was leaving my partner an even number. So I said, “91 – 3 = 89. 89 -19 =70. 70 – 18 = 52.” She looked at me like I was stupid or something. So, I started to explain my reasoning again, 91 – 3 = 89… She shook her head and said “no, it doesn’t. That leaves 88.” Oh shit. “Never mind,” I said and sheepishly walked away.

Walked the dogs, grilled some brats for breakfast, and baked up a batch of brownies to share on the drive down to Angeles. Busy morning.

Alrighty then, time to prepare for the Hash with my fellow Hashers in AC. More drivel to come, but at least from a new venue! Stay tuned!
Yeah, that’s a goofy mistake, but I’ve seen worse.
Thanks for the link to your old post…yeah, I’m not QUITE that bad yet! It was pretty hilarious for me to read the comment I left there though:
“In the dart game ’01, you basically throw 3 darts, tally the total of the numbers you hit, and subtract them from your starting score (throw 2 20’s and a 5 = 45, 501-45=456). I’m amazed at how many grownups can’t do simple addition and subtraction.”
I guess this is Karma’s payback for my arrogance. Still, it was just a simple mistake that I compounded by being so sure of my math without actually “doing” the math. Either that or early-onset dementia, which the scorekeeper told me later was her first thought. Oh well.