I’m worried about my friend and fellow blogger, Kevin Kim. He hasn’t updated his blog, approved comments, or responded to my emails. Kevin has been dealing with some heart-related health issues, and his sudden disappearance doesn’t bode well. I hope whatever is going on resolves itself in a positive way. Hang in there, Kevin!

Several days ago, we encountered a crying kitten on the next street over from us. Swan and I are both dog lovers, but we felt sorry for this apparently abandoned feline. We left her some water and food and hoped for the best. We were surprised to find that the kitten had moved and taken up residence under the neighbor’s car. Swan has been feeding her there, and it appears a mutual adoption might be taking place.

Dogs and cats are not generally a good mix, so the plan is to place the shelter outside our fence and provide food and water as needed. So, we shall see what happens. Our concern is that if the neighbor starts the car while the kitten is sleeping under the hood, it could make for a deadly mess.
We also engaged in our regular Sunday candy walk, despite the threatening skies.

It being Sunday and all, I had the traditional feeding of the girls at Hideaway to attend to. Still only four of them, which I suppose is plenty when that is double the number of customers. Still, having two fellow drinkers in the bar was twice as many as last week. Owner Griff was there, too, so it was nice to see him again.

Next up was dinner at Pugon Corner to celebrate the birthday of Swan’s sister, Cathy.

So, I arrived at Pugon prior to my guests. The waitress brought a menu and advised that none of the smoked beef selections were available. I can kinda sorta understand that; with business slow and beef expensive, why bother? I was there for the pork anyway. I ordered a Zero beer and was not surprised they didn’t have that; lots of places don’t. So, I ordered up my alternative, San Miguel Light. Despite it being on the menu, it was out of stock. I pushed back a little on the waitress, saying it doesn’t make sense not to keep a popular beer like that in the fridge. She apologized and offered to send someone to the store to buy some. Sure, why not? Bring me five. When Swan and Cathy arrived, they were told no red wine was available. Oh well. Cathy had a Red Horse, and I shared my Light with Swan.

Once again, I was disappointed that a restaurant specializing in smoked and grilled meats didn’t have the baby back ribs available. So, we settled for the pulled pork, grilled pork belly, and chicken wings. The food was okay, but nothing special.

I won’t be back to Pugon Corner. Coincidentally, Hops and Brews just announced they now have a smokehouse. Much better venue and conveniently located.
We did our nightcap at Green Room and enjoyed ourselves, then triked on home bringing an end to our Sunday.
Some memories to look back on:

In the political realm, memes like this are going to get nastier and nastier as we head into November:

Anyway, let’s move on to today’s YouTube video. Our hostess warns of hidden risks for expats and visitors to the Philippines. It’s mostly just common sense, but the scenery is easy on the eyes.
And now for a taste of humor:

It is Hash Monday and Leech My Nuggets is the Hare. No worries, we’ve already got our shortcut planned. The On-Home is at Leech’s place here in Alta Vista, so I won’t have any trouble getting home. I’ll be back tomorrow (I hope).
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about @Kevin.
Hope all is well with him.
Something is definitely wrong. I just hope it is fixable.
Hmm he’s been making daily posts on his blog unless those are pre-dated posts? I see posts from 8/12 going back almost daily all month.
Yes, those are scheduled posts. You can tell because they always go up right on the hour (8:00, 3:00, etc). Comments aren’t being approved either. Somethings wrong.
Very sad to hear about Kevin. Do you know anyone in Korea who can contact hospitals?
Jim, no, I don’t. At this point, I hope he is safe somewhere, even if it is a hospital. Maybe he can’t access his phone but is getting whatever help he needs. I’m trying to keep thinking positively, but I am worried about him.
Thanks for the kind thoughts, gentlemen.
Thank goodness! Great to hear from you!