Better than a poke in the eye I guess though. Anyway, near the end of today’s hike, I got distracted, turned my head for a moment, then turned back just in time to step full-throttle into a low hanging branch. Hurt like a dickens but not much damage.

That is just about all I did today was hike.

10K all together. We walked the ridgeline all the way out to the “German’s house” then turned around and headed back. It’s called the German’s house because some German guy lives there at least part-time. It is without a doubt as far out as you can get and as high up as it goes. It is nearly total isolation. The house is behind a wall and I’ve never seen it close up. It is visible sometimes from Barretto so it must be pretty damn big. There is a dirt road up from Olongapo you could drive if you have a 4×4. Maybe not during rainy season though. Today I saw a couple of downed trees that would make passage difficult. I personally could not live that way. Too far from the beer joints!

Simon went home and Jim and I went to Cheap Charlies for some rehydration. Then the skies opened up and the rain poured down. I tried to wait it out but had a delivery coming to the house. Wound up taking a trike home.

I might have something of more substance to say soon. Hey, it could happen!
Sorry to hear about the nose, but…
“That is just about all I did today was hike.”
Please explain this. Is this the grammatical version of a pushmi-pullyu?
I’m yanking your chain, of course. I understand the meaning even if the grammar has radically mutated. Suggested repairs:
That’s just about it today. All I did was hike.
That is just about all I did today: hike.
That is just about all I did today—hike.
“Is this the grammatical version of a pushmi-pullyu?”
That’s about the best excuse I can come up with. Makes me cringe too. Honestly, I was in a hurry and dashed this post out with even less care and thought than usual. I *think* the “That is” was going to be a different sentence altogether and for whatever reason, my addled brain decided to go with the “just about all I did today was hike” part. If I could go back in time, I would just delete the “that is”. I won’t fix it now though because that would make these comments (which are probably more interesting than the post) irrelevant.
First my nose, now this. What a day!