A nothing kind of day leads to a nothing kind of post. But I will not be deterred! I take the day off from walking on Tuesday so there’s not even that. But today was much busier than normal which is why this post is going up so late. I’ll post about today tomorrow.
So, Tuesday is grocery shopping day and I got that accomplished. Changed that activity up a little by visiting Pure Gold supermarket to try and find the things that are always out of stock at Royal. Then went to Royal for the things they do have that Pure Gold doesn’t. Exciting stuff, eh?

What else did I accomplish? Well, I managed a second-place finish in darts, so there’s that. And that’s pretty much all there was. But I did spend some quality time on the internet and came away with these gems:

I’ll do better tomorrow. I promise!
Putting up filler is something that every blogger who blogs daily must do from time to time. Understandable. I look forward to an interesting post tomorrow.
I found the post very interesting and informative. I never knew that Magnum PI, with his Ferrari 308 and spectacular Hawaiian residence drank Busch beer. Thankfully, his butler Higgins died several years ago. He would have been morally outraged. Not me though, I’ve done much worse. went through a Colt 45 phase in my younger years. Peace Out!
Well, I would drink Busch when it was my best option, but that doesn’t mean I preferred it. Just sayin’.
I was probably inclined to Coors Light back in those days. And that reminds me of a story. My dad, also a big beer drinker, was a union guy. I brought a 6 pack of Coors (a non-union company) to the house one time and he told me to get “that scab beer outta here!”
your dad was a wise man. i was raised in a union household and am a proud union member today. how were you able to get your hands on Coors? it was unavailable east of Mississippi back in the day. this was the premise of the classic movie, smoky and the bandit. peace out!
I lived west of the Mississippi (Oklahoma/Arkansas) at the time. Oddly enough, until my first promotion, I was also active in the letter carrier’s union as a shop steward and former local president. Guess I didn’t get the memo on Coors.
One day I was drinking a Coors Light and some guy said “that beer is like making love in a canoe.” I asked why and he said, “because they are both fucking close to water”. Bada bing!