A Hashy Beer Day

Yesterday’s Hash was a different kind of challenge and one I’m more suited to endure. In honor of the birthday of the Grand Master (who was also the Hare), the Hash trail was a stroll through several Barretto bars with a special celebration at the On-Home venue.

Hashy birthday, Buddy Fucker!

We gathered at the VFW and at the appointed hour (2 p.m.) began our trek.

And we are On-On!
So Hashy together! Swan came along for the adventure.
First stop, Hideaway Bar
Owner Griff seemed pleased to have a bar overflowing with Hashers. It’s the first time I’ve seen the Hideaway crew working so hard. I rewarded them all with a lady drink.
Second stop, Roadhouse.
I stopped coming here when they installed a kitchen and eliminated half the outdoor seating area. I guess they saw the light, because the kitchen is gone and the table and chairs are back.
Third stop, Mugshots. This is another seldom visited venue for me, but it is very nice inside. They’ve changed the hours and open earlier now, so I’ll try and pop in more often.
Fourth stop, Gentlemens Bar. I left the apostrophe out because they did.
This is the newest bar in town. I visited once before for the grand opening. They have some scantily clad cuties, but that’s really not my thing these days.
And then we headed On-Home to Johansson’s
Buddy Fucker provided a buffet for all the Hashers
Hash Gash in celebration mode
It’s nice on ice!
Make them a cake! It was also Mountain Mama’s birthday.
The route we walked
There was also a post-Hash celebration for Dave at It Doesn’t Matter

I guess I shortcut the party by leaving early, but I know when to say when. At least most of the time.

Five years ago, I was still strolling around Saigon (or Ho Chi Minh City, if you prefer).

The streets were crazy crowded, but this riverwalk was a pleasant find.

In today’s YouTube video, Reekay talks about his biggest mistake in the Philippines. No real surprise it involved a woman.

Humor me these:

Reads like something I’d write
I think this might be a real ad from back in the day
Addition by subtraction?

Halfway through my Tuesday here, and what comes next is going to happen on Baloy Beach. Whatever that may turn out to be, you can read about tomorrow right here at LTG.

And as an added bonus, here is the “hearing the Turtles for the first time” video:

2 thoughts on “A Hashy Beer Day

  1. I guess they saw the light, because the kitchen is gone[,] and the table and chairs are back.

    Adapt or die!

    They have some scantily clad cuties, but that’s really not my thing these days.

    When was it ever? I recall you being nothing but pure and chaste.

    Hashy birthday, Buddy Fucker!

    Happy Barfday to Buddy Fucker. Is that some kind of octopus or jellyfish cake? Or are those images a bunch of floating hairdos? Or, given the spoo-covered vagina in the center, are those… pubes?

    re: Reekay and that woman

    A buddy of mine got divorced for reasons somewhat similar to one of the scenarios that Reekay describes. He and his wife got married after he’d made clear that he wanted no kids. At the time, she’d agreed to this. They got married… then the pressure of the biological clock became too much for his wife (Sri Lankan, and more traditional than even she had realized), and she confessed that she wanted a kid. My buddy freaked out, feeling utterly betrayed, and the two of them eventually got divorced. Last I heard, she was still trying on her own for a baby—in vitro or whatever. I don’t know whether she’s currently in any sort of relationship. Or my buddy, either, for that matter. We haven’t talked in a long while. Kind of sad when that sort of thing happens. Divorce for reasons of disagreement, dishonesty, or misunderstanding, I mean.

  2. Yes, when I saw a woman whose beauty was pure, the chaste was on!

    My guess is pubes. Damn, if you are gonna shave it girl, do it right!

    Sad story about your friend’s marriage. It reminded me of my ill-fated romance with Pearl. She was approaching 30 and told me her dream was to have a child. I was in love (or so I thought) and honestly told her that I couldn’t make babies anymore. I was willing to adopt, but she wanted to be a birth mother. So, no matter how much you love someone, if you can’t give them what they need to be happy, you let them go to pursue their dreams. It hurt, but we promised always to be friends. That didn’t last long. She’s had at least three boyfriends since me, but still no baby. Go figure.

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