A different drum

I got bit by the lazy bug yesterday. Despite my good intentions, I couldn’t even be bothered to take an abbreviated morning hike. Not good for my weight reduction goal, but I did at least take a longer than usual walk this morning to try and make amends.

And I wasn’t just lazy in regards to exercise. I rarely hear from my Wet Spot gal when I’m not with her at the bar, but yesterday she sent me this message:

Hi, babe morning.. i see you tonight is that ok? We don’t have to go anywhere else for our date but to your home.

I declined her offer, telling her I wasn’t feeling well. I guess she didn’t like that.

You not sweet when you are sober ..see how you are

I told her I was sorry she felt that way. It was nothing personal, just not feeling up to it.

Is that all you can say? …i know you not feeling well but its boring answer john

I told her I was sorry to be such a disappointment and that I appreciated that she wanted to see me, but there was really nothing else I could say at the moment.

Hmm.. Ok i leave you alone now.. Hope you feel better soon.. Love you..

I didn’t respond to that, but I was admittedly taken aback by the “love you”. I had to wonder why? Other than spending a few hours sharing drinks in the bar, we’d never been together. I’m not even sure we have any common interests (other than drinking); I know she is not into hiking, for example. On the other hand, she is attractive and wants to be with me–that’s more than I get from most of the women in this town. It gave me some food for thought while I went about my Saturday night bar hopping. I did, however, intentionally avoid Wet Spot.

I also heard from Jane, the Date in Asia girl I took out a couple of weeks ago, broadly hinting that she was bored and would like to see me again. Again, I had no interest in going out on a date with her for whatever reason.

After several drinks in various locations, it occurred to me that I’m really not interested in a relationship with anyone at this point in time. Oh, I mean, a gal like Lyn who wants to go hiking with me would be nice, but she is stuck in Angeles with her kid. Just doesn’t seem meant to be. I’m going to continue to embrace this singlehood life of mine and be happy with it. Not closing any doors, but I’m not willing to settle for less than what I want either.

During my walk this morning, a Michael Nesmith song came up on my playlist, and it seems to capture pretty much what I want to say to my pursuers.

Well you and I
Travel to the beat of a different drum
Can't you tell by the way I run
Every time you make eyes at me

Yes, you cry and moan
And say it'll work out
But honey child I've got my doubts
You can't see the forest for the trees

Now don't get me wrong
It's not that I knock it
It's just that I am not in the market
For a girl
Who wants to love only me
And I'm not saying that you ain't pretty
All's I saying's that I'm not ready
For any person place or thing
To try and pull the reins
In on me

Well I feel pretty sure
That you'll find a man
Who will take a lot more than I ever could or can
And you'll settle down with him
And I know that you'll be happy

So goodbye
I'm a-leavin'
I see no sense in you cryin' and grievin'
We'll both live a lot longer
If you live without me

Maybe I’ll go to Wet Spot tonight and sing it to her.

So, to the rest of my Saturday night in my cozy little barrio.

I started out at It Doesn’t Matter and quickly learned that the lovely Armie was celebrating a birthday. I guess the tradition is to have customers staple a gift donation to a money necklace. I contributed 500 pesos to this worthy cause. She really is one of my favorites. And yes, if she looks familiar, she’s the one who finished 3rd in the Fralics beauty pageant last month.

When supper time rolled around, I headed on up the highway to John’s place.

I enjoyed the sunset there…
…along with this delicious pulled pork sandwich.

My friend Joy, who works across the street at the Hideaway bar, messaged me that she was hungry. I dutifully delivered her an order of Korean-style chicken wings. She shared with her co-workers, and everyone seemed to enjoy them.

The look of satisfaction on Joy’s face says it all.

I decided to finish my night at the Alaska Club. When I first arrived, I was once again the only customer. That’s a little concerning for a Saturday night. There were five dancers on stage, and I was in the process of picking out my favorite when a big spender and his entourage arrived. He promptly called all the dancers down for lady drinks. I felt both relieved and inspired, so I bought the three waitresses a drink. Now everyone was happy. I know I enjoyed telling all my old jokes to a new crowd.

Who needs a girlfriend anyway?

7 thoughts on “A different drum

  1. For what it’s worth, I think taking time out to be lazy once in a while isn’t a huge sin. Just be careful not to make it a habit.

  2. Agree with Kevin. I am pretty good about exercising regularly, but take breaks when the mind or body says so.

    Helps to keeps things fresh such that it remains something that you WANT to do, rather than feeling it is something you HAVE to do.

  3. These girls really no how to play the game … lucky you are experienced! Post covid will draw in lonely suckers … getting my popcorn ready for the horror stories.

  4. Thanks, guys. You are right, I don’t want my walks to become a chore, I want to enjoy them.

    And Brandon, I’m sure I won’t disappoint. I went to Wet Spot last night…

  5. I’m sure you don’t really need the following translations, but…

    Hi, babe morning.. i see you tonight is that ok? We don’t have to go anywhere else for our date but to your home.

    (I need money. How about a quicky for some quick cash?)

    You not sweet when you are sober ..see how you are

    (You should feel guilty and give me money now or when I see you.)

    Is that all you can say? …i know you not feeling well but its boring answer john

    (You should offer me some money or I will keep pouting.)

    Hmm.. Ok i leave you alone now.. Hope you feel better soon.. Love you..

    (I hope you give me money soon.)

  6. Too funny, DS! And so true!

    You should publish a complete book of translations to help folks like me better understand the mind and motivation of the Filipina.

  7. Pingback: A cackle in the dark | Long Time Gone

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